Some Adventures

Our Summer of Adventure is going great! And I must confess that, at least for me, it has been much improved by our efforts to get to bed on time each night. Even though Helen still is nowhere close to sleeping through the night (despite our best efforts), we are all a lot closer to thriving than just surviving now that we have a little bit of a schedule in our lives again.

Our official family adventure for the week was a beautiful hike up Bell Canyon and to Bell Reservoir. We went on Friday morning before it got too hot, and it was quite delightful! You are likely wondering how the kids fared; well Fay walked almost the entire way and with very little complaining, Carter walked probably half of the way, and Portia and Helen were carried the entire time. You can feel free to be impressed by Josh’s ability to carry two kids at once UP part of the trail (for a fairly considerable distance, I might add)! I’m impressed by him!

Taken with Josh’s fancy new phone camera

On the trail

Relaxing at the Reservoir

On our way down the canyon, Fay said it helped her pass the time to sing. And she sang “Families Can Be Together Forever” the whole way down. It brought me so much joy!


Another (unofficial) adventure we had this week was to Leatherby’s Creamery. It is basically everything you ever wanted when you think of the words “Ice-Cream Parlor.” Look what we got!

We were all rolling out the door afterwards. Good thing we only got the one!

That same day, Helen had a very big adventure of her own! It was her first solid food! She got to eat some apple sauce while the family ate dinner. This was how it went.

Her face wasn’t like this the whole time; but it is the funnest picture to share!

Here are some pictures of the kids having their own adventures.

Carter got his face painted like a kitty at the primary party. He was very pleased.

This is Fay dressed up as Fancy Nancy: Explorer Extraordinaire. She loves those books and doing everything she can to mimic Nancy.


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