Quelle Joie!

I feel like a post with little explanation and many pictures is in order.  So here’s all the explanation you get this time:

We had pi day with friends. We had St. Patrick’s Day. And we’ve had lovely weather!


Shamrock Sundaes at Maple View Farm

Shamrock Sundaes at Maple View Farm

Pumpkin and Peanut-butter

Pumpkin and Peanut-butter

Josh's fellow TA and his wife

Josh’s fellow TA and his wife on Pi Day

Two helpers!

Two helpers!

One very happy helper!

One very happy helper!

Leprechaun trap and the only dress Fay ever wants to wear

Leprechaun trap and the only dress Fay ever wants to wear

Green pancakes with shamrock shapes

Green pancakes with shamrock shapes

Couldn't resist.

Couldn’t resist.

Green soup, Irish soda bread, St. Patrick's Day floats, and oreo truffles.

Green soup, Irish soda bread, St. Patrick’s Day floats, and oreo truffles.

St. Patrick's Flowers!

St. Patrick’s Flowers!

Fay today

Fay today

This is more for me than anyone else.

Fay can speak so well these days! She is always using new phrases that totally blow me away. Like yesterday, I was telling her to put her shoes on so that we could go to the playground and she said, “No. I want to go barefoot.” Couldn’t have said it better myself, Fay!  But as she is learning to speak better and better, I know there are things she says in her baby way that I will miss.

When she makes an “L” sound, it usually comes out sounding more like a “Z” or a soft “th” sound. Usually this is really cute. But sometimes it is SO ADORABLE that I can barely handle it!  This is an example of one of the latter circumstances.


We’ve been spending a lot of time inside for the past few weeks. We got a good amount of snow, and UNC even closed down a few times. The public school kids were out of school for essentially two solid weeks! We did take advantage of the snow on the day that it really came down by making a pretty fantastic snowman! But mostly we have just been hanging out inside, safe and warm.

Once there was a snowman..


This is the kids looking out the window. I don’t remember what they were looking at, exactly, but they are cute!

In other news, we are currently in the middle of our official house-hunt! We are really excited about the idea of having our very own house (whose walls I can decorate in whatever way I desire) and a yard for our kids to play in!