Two Little Authors…Also Portia

This afternoon, Fay told me she wanted to make a Halloween book with multiple pages. Her request reminded me of little books I made in school growing up which are made out of a single piece of paper. Well, thank goodness for youtube, because I found a tutorial, and made Fay and Carter each a book.

Fay went right to work creating a masterpiece of Halloween literature and illustration! Carter’s illustrations changed as his thoughts moved. At first, all his pictures were of members of the immediate family. Then they were of Grandmother. Then they morphed into spooky things like Fay had been doing in her book. And I don’t mean to say he drew a picture of the family, followed by a picture of spooky thing. I mean the picture he drew was introduced first as a picture of the family, and then it was explained as a picture of spooky things.  I love that boy!

I was quite impressed with Fay’s book, actually. She asked for help spelling each word; but she thought of all the words (though I advised her to shorten the title of her book, so it would fit on the page), and wrote them down. Our Miss is growing up fast right now, and we are loving being along for the ride!

Here are videos of the kids reading their books.

Also, here’s a picture Fay took of Portia when she swiped my phone. The lady in the grocery store the other day told me that Portia’s asymmetrical eyes make her look skeptical. I think this picture definitely captures that. She’s so fun! We’re so glad she’s ours!

Portia. She's cute.

Some Stuff

We’re finally allowing ourselves to get really excited about the Halloween season around here! The other day, I had a little time when the two littler kids were sleeping and Fay was still working on preschool and I decorated the mantel! This is the first time I’ve really done it since March, and it felt good! Fay even came and helped at the end.

Fay's pose is perfect!

Fay’s pose is perfect!

I’m quite pleased with the way everything turned out!

Another, completely unrelated, thing is that Josh and I got to go on a date last night! (Thanks to Kathryn and Steve!) It was just so lovely to be out with Josh sans children, even if we didn’t do anything particularly noteworthy. This is us on our date!

I love this guy more than everything!

I love this guy more than everything!

Also, I learned something very important on our date. When you are craving fries, Freddy’s is not the place to get them. However, their pumpkin pie concrete is quite yummy!