We Took a Six Day Weekend

There are a lot of administrative changes going on at Josh’s work because of a merger with another company, and Josh hasn’t had much actual work to do. So he decided to take July 5 and 6 off. But then July 7 rolled around and there still wasn’t anything to do, so he took that day off too. He did go into work on Friday, but only a half day. So we have been partying!

We didn’t have much planned for July 4, since Fay had been throwing up over the weekend. But there was a parade just a few blocks from our house; so we decided to go check it out! We loaded everyone in the stroller in their red,white, and blue best and enjoyed watching big trucks and princesses (Carter’s and Fay’s favorites respectively).


Portia is in the stroller. I didn’t realize until we got home that she was totally chopped out of the picture.

It was seriously HOT at the parade. All the kids got burned out (if you’ll pardon the pun) after only about 20 minutes. Here’s what they looked like when they got home.


So sweet and sleepy!

Tuesday and Wednesday we were at Mother and Daddy’s house to work on their holiday lights. (I say that not to be “politically correct” but because the lights can be set for any holiday. They are really cool!) Josh put them up originally last November–in the freezing ice and snow–but because of the weather he was unable to install them exactly how everyone wanted. So he is working on getting them going just as they should be.

While we were visiting the parents, my brother Tanner snatched my phone for the first time since returning from his mission to Georgia. I’m just glad he didn’t take his traditional picture of his toe.

There he is! In all his RM glory!

There he is! In all his RM (returned missionary) glory!

Recently, Fay has gotten really excited about taking pictures all by herself. It is kind of fun because then there are actually some pictures of me to post–just to prove that I do exist in real life. So this next beauty is from Fay! Thanks, girl!

There I am! In all my RM (really-awesome mom) glory!

There I am! In all my RM (rad mom) glory!

Yesterday, we took a family field trip to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple. It was really special to be walking around the temple with our whole eternal family! And it was double awesome because today we talked and sang about the temple in Primary! Parenting win!

Fay wanted to wear that chef hat. I couldn't think of a reason to tell her no. I love that girl!

Fay wanted to wear that chef hat. I couldn’t think of a reason to tell her no. I love that girl!

Another family activity from yesterday was washing the car!


I feel like this picture speaks for itself.


It was a good loooooooong weekend. And I think it was long enough that we really are ready go back to work tomorrow!