Look What We Got!!

So, once upon a time, we got a new house with a fantastic and very spacious back yard. Just a few weeks ago, I was wondering why the kids and I spend so little time in it. Is it too hot? Not enough shade? But after some serious contemplation, I realized that the reason we never really played in it was because there was nothing to do in it.


My Sister-in-Law, Maren, mentioned once that she got a backyard swing set for free off of KSL, and somebody else mentioned doing the same thing. So I was like, no way am I going to pay for stuff. So I stalked KSL for a couple weeks and SHAZAM! Look what we got for FREE! (With the blessed assistance from Josh’s parents and their truck for moving it.)IMG_5851


But Fay doesn’t seem to like it very much. The first day we had it, she only spent 75% of her waking time on the swing set, and that was the day she had pre-school. Oh well. Maybe she’ll learn to like it. 🙂 Speaking of Fay: This is her on her first day of “Princess Preschool! It is just her and her cousin Lexi, but they have SO much fun! And so do the moms!IMG_5818


Also in our back yard we have tomatoes!!! Some are getting red despite the fact that we planted them quite late! I’m so excited to eat them!

Another thing we got is actually something that Josh awesomely MADE for me!!!!! I have lamented our lack of a mantel to decorate for quite some time, and I found a tutorial for a really simple faux mantel online. I showed it to Josh and told him that I NEED one! “Tomorrow!” I said. (This was a couple weeks ago.) Well, he was all for it until he saw the design for the one from the tutorial. Then he decided that if we were going to do this mantel thing, we had better do it right.  This is what he designed (on two tiny pieces of paper in about 18 minutes) and made for me in one day! We are going to put a black panel on the back so that you can’t see the wall through it. But it is just so beautiful I couldn’t wait until we got the panel! Josh is the best!

Please excuse the boxes on the side. Also, Fay decorated it almost exclusively by herself. We will probably change it...

Please excuse the boxes on the side. Also, Fay decorated it almost exclusively by herself. We will probably at least rearrange the mess of flowers in the middle. But it still looks pretty fantastic!

Anyway, speaking of my kids… they are so cute! Let’s have another look, shall we?

Nothing is as sweet as kids when they are happy!

Nothing is as sweet as kids when they are happy!

She truly is all princess!

She truly is all princess!

AHHHH! They really are so cute! So cute, in fact, that we think we’ll have another one! Baby Monson #3 is due on March 17, 2016! We are (okay, I’m probably the only on who really cares) hoping that he/she doesn’t come on the exact due-date, however, because that would mean I would have to share my St. Patrick’s Day celebrations with birthday celebrations. Obviously it doesn’t really matter. But if this baby does come on its due-date, it had better love the color green!