My Kids Are Too Cute

I couldn’t resist showing you just how adorable my kids are!

IMG_2800This is Fay and her little buddy next door, Auden. Yesterday Auden was going on the bus to take his dad to work and Fay swung an invite! They both had their little backpacks and snacks and stuff and it was too adorable not to document!

IMG_2820Last night, I put Carter in Fay’s bed to entice her to get in it (she’s rather possessive) and they ended up just playing the entire time we were doing scriptures. (I’m sorry! I know I was totally encouraging it by taking pictures. But I promise that most of the time I’m listening to family scriptures!) This picture shows perfectly how Fay works with Carter. She just tries to get some kind of response out of him. He looks pretty excited about the prospect of getting that finger in his mouth!

Comparison 2 months

Still totally siblings! I love how much they look alike!

This is Carter playing with his toys. I don’t feel like Fay was anywhere near as intent on playing with her toys as Carter is. Boys will be boys. 🙂 I love how you can see how concentrated he is!

My Father, My Husband, My Son

I meant to do this post much earlier in the week, as to be closer to Father’s Day, but it turns out that other things have priority.

I am so grateful for the men in my life! And I felt like it was so beautiful that we got to talk about the Priesthood in Relief Society this Father’s Day because I know that the privilege of holding the Priesthood of God is largely what has made my father and my husband the men that they are.


Daddy holding Fay, May 2013

My Daddy is genuinely one of the greatest men I know.  He works harder than anyone else I know. He is brilliant, and yet so humble. He is patient and even tempered. And he loves Heavenly Father with all his heart.  I know that he does because he made sure that if we knew anything growing up, it was that living the Gospel is the only way to be happy. I can’t even count the number of times I asked Daddy why we had to do “such and such” a church thing and he responded with “Because I want Elisabeth to be in Heaven with me, so we are going to do every good thing possible so we can strengthen our chances.” He has never told me this in so many words, but I know that he takes his Priesthood responsibility as the head of his home very seriously. He knows that ultimately he will be accountable for how well he exercised that Priesthood for the welfare of his family and our Eternal Salvation, and he is determined to be able to answer to God in good conscience. I love my Daddy! And I fully intend to continue to do every good thing possible so as to strengthen my chances of being with him for Eternity!


Josh on his birthday–June 19, 2014

Josh is the perfect husband. I have come to learn that there are many personality types that do not require the things that Josh has to offer, and so perhaps I ought to say that Josh is the perfect husband for me. But I figure, this is my blog. Obviously everything is from my perspective. So the original statement stands. 🙂  Being married to Josh has helped me to understand better what a righteous father’s influence can really be. I always knew I had a great dad; but now that I see from the other end of things (as the mother rather than the daughter), I see just how much of a blessing a righteous father who honors his Priesthood is for children. I don’t think I could ever quite explain it in words; but I feel his influence on our family daily.  When I’m at home with the kids we have a good time and I try my best to teach them good things and show them love. But when Josh comes home we really become a family, and that is because our family is the most important thing in Josh’s life.  He tells me about the mentality that guys he works with have, and I see that it is unique to be a family man. I am so grateful for his desire to be a family man! And I am Eternally grateful that he is the father of my family forever!CAM00005

I know I didn’t put this in the title, but that is because it didn’t quite have the same ring. 🙂 But I don’t feel like I can really talk about how wonderful Josh is as a father without talking about his father. My father-in-law is another one of the greatest men this world has to offer. I obviously don’t know him as well as I know my dad, but I do know enough to see that he also feels very strongly the importance of his role as the father of his home.  I know that Josh is the man he is because he grew up with an example of a man who understands that in the end, our families are what are important. I am grateful to him for showing Josh how to be so wonderful. I am also grateful to him for inviting me into his family and showing me that I am just as important to him as one of his own children.IMG_2771

Carter is little. Two months old today. He is clearly not a father. But one day he will be. One day he will also hold the Priesthood of God, and be charged with the giant responsibility of making sure  his children are all in Heaven with him. (No pressure, buddy. 😉  )  As much as that is a huge responsibility on him, and on Josh and me to prepare him, I know that he is going to be okay. I feel like he is going to make it! He has the highest quality men there are for his father and grandfathers. I know that he is as important to them as he is to me, and with all of us doing every good thing possible (thanks Daddy!) we should have pretty good chances of being in Heaven together forever.

Happy Father’s Day!


We Monsons have been staying at home too much!  We haven’t really gone anywhere since we moved here! We did go to Utah for Christmas, but we haven’t had a chance to see anything outside of the Triangle in NC.  UNTIL NOW!!!!!

In the southeast corner of North Carolina, there is a city called Wilmington that is pretty well THE beach city for people who live around us.  It is only about 2.5 hours of driving to get there and it has tons of fun things to do!  I guess there is a UNC Wilmington, and I find myself wondering if I would have ever actually graduated from college had I lived in a beach town.  Good thing Provo doesn’t have a beach. 🙂

Anyway, Josh worked a half day on Friday, and we headed out of Chapel Hill around 12:30.  When we got to Wilmington, we checked into our hotel and the first thing we did was (at Fay’s request) go to the hotel swimming pool.IMG_2548Josh and I took turns playing with Fay in the water and holding Carter on the side.  This is Josh helping Fay to be a mermaid.  She kept declaring that she was a mermaid like Ariel!

At the pool they had music playing. This is one of the songs that played. I thought it was pretty groovy. You should leave a comment on what you think about it! If you do, I will tell you a secret about it!

Every Day (When Will You Be Mine) by Hilary McRae on Grooveshark

By the time Fay had gotten her fill of swimming, it was dinner time, so we looked online for yummy places to eat. We found this place called Island Fresh Mexican Grill. It was really close to our hotel and had a TON of people there!  It was really good, too! We decided that it was like a combination of Rubio’s, Rumbi, and Cafe Rio. After dinner we took Fay to a park, which we were told once we were there was the best park in Wilmington.  Way to go GPS for finding it! We also got some Brownie Pillows from the Fresh Market. Those are probably the most genius dessert ever created. For those of you in North Carolina that have yet to try them, DO IT! They are something else!

Saturday was our beach day! Fay loved it with all her heart!IMG_2472She played in the actual ocean/waves/thing for only a few minutes, but she loved finding places where water had pooled in the sand and just staying there forever.  She threw a bunch of sand, built about 30 snowmen in it, and had a good handful of it in her swimsuit by the time we were done!

Carter chilled in the shade tent (thank you a MILLION, Emily Warburton!) and slept a good portion of our time at the beach.  Josh and I took turns with the kids again.IMG_2451Look at that little stud!

IMG_2464This is Josh being super hot at the beach!

And this is the only picture of me for our whole time at the beach.  If you look in the upper right hand corner, you can see me in the shade tent. I’m feeding Carter, but I’m at the beach!




Later on Saturday (after lunch and naps for everyone!), we went down to the pier where we could see the USS North Carolina and other, much less impressive, boats. Then we went home and went swimming again!IMG_2525Thanks to the random guy with a cigar who offered to take a picture of all four of us together! I love how Fay is mid-yawn!

On Sunday, we went to church at the ward that met at 9:00 so we would have time to do one more thing before we had to head home.  It turned out to be the Wilmington 2nd ward wherein one of the elders who used to be in CH2, Elder Lee, is currently serving.  That was cool. Also, a guy who is a brother to a guy in my home ward was also in the ward. I seriously love the Gospel so much! I love that there are connections everywhere because it is true everywhere!

After church we went to the Aquarium!IMG_2587Awesome ironic picture of Fay! Look at her face and then look at her shirt!IMG_2589Fay loved the fish!  She would get super excited and say “BIG!!!!” whenever there were a lot of them! We had lots of fun at the aquarium; but by the time it was over, we were all ready to go home.

And though it was a much needed vacation, and we had a ball the whole time, it is nice to be back home just doing our normal little thing!


When I am Weak

Today I had my 6 week postpartum doctor visit, which means that Carter is 6 weeks old, which means that I have had two children for 6 weeks.  The kids decided to celebrate the occasion for me by reminding me that having two children is a different game than having one.


For example: When Fay was a new baby and was having a really fussy/needy day, it meant that I spent a little more time with her than usual, helping to soothe her to sleep, or feed her extra, or whatever. Looking back, it doesn’t seem like it should have caused me too much stress–though I know that it did. Anyway, today, when Carter was having one of those days, it meant that I had to spend a little more time with him than usual, helping to soothe him to sleep and feed him extra. That extra time spent with Carter meant less time spent with Fay.  She is such a sweetheart, and really is quite patient with it all (and she is a champ at entertaining herself when she has to do it); but by the end of the day, she was craving attention, and Carter was still having a needy day, and I was still only one person.IMG_2416I suppose this is mostly just a ramble. But the point I guess I’m trying to make is that I basically have little to no idea how to be a mother of two children. And yet, here I am.

IMG_2396This much I do know, however: I know that the greatest gift God ever gave to the world was the gift of His Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ. And I am learning more and more all the time that the greatest gift that God can give to me is also the gift of His spirit sons and daughters.  They are a gift because they are sweet and hilarious and snuggly and happy, and because they stretch you beyond your own capacity when they have rough moments or days or weeks.  And I know that through the gift of God’s Only Begotten Son, I can live up to the privilege of the beautiful gifts–my two children–that God gave to me.

No. I don’t know what I’m doing. But Heavenly Father knows everything, and the Grace of His Son “is sufficient for [me]: for [His] strength is made perfect in weakness.” Only Jesus Christ’s Atonement can make up to my children what I lack as a mother.  And there is nobody who can do more for them than Him, so it’s okay if I just have to let Him take the helm. “Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. …for when I am weak, then am I strong” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).