I Love Fall Best of All

Josh’s mom gave me a kitchen towel that says that on it, and it is just too perfect not to reuse! Thanks Mom!

Anyway, we’ve been doing all the fun things–going to a pumpkin patch, driving up the canyon to look at fall colors, eating all the treats, witches at Gardner Village, decorating!, Halloween parties, planning Josh’s amazing extravaganza,practicing songs and dances for the Christmas season, reading autumn and Halloween books, wearing sweaters as well as festive outfits, rolling up as toilet-paper mummies, eating soups, playing soccer, etc. Here are some pictures!

The last image deserves some serious commentary. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has recently reworked its youth program. Fay turns 8 next year and so is old enough to participate! We are all very excited! The program focuses on the areas of personal development mentioned in Luke 2:52 where it says that “Jesus increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man.” The children and youth are encouraged to make a goal in at least one of the areas: intellectual, physical, spiritual, and social. Fay was super excited about everything and made at least one goal in each area. Her choice for a goal in the intellectual category was to make cupcakes! (The church is true, people.) She ultimately wants to become independent at making beautiful, delicious cupcakes of various flavors. It is a fun goal for the whole family! This past Sunday, she made her first batch of cupcakes with mom assisting with the cake part, and dad assisting with the frosting. Fay chose the type of cupcakes she wanted to make and which recipe to follow. And we tried to allow her to do as much of the work as possible. They turned out beautifully and deliciously! We are so proud of Fay for making a goal and working towards it, and grateful for the opportunity we have to do it with her, as a family!

Also, this video is super cute!