Dance Recital, etc.

Fay has been taking ballet classes since last July. She started with a little summer session after which she was still enthusiastic about continuing, so we went for the long haul of a year. About mid January she was so done. But we had committed to the year, and I really thought Fay would enjoy the recital experience, so we pressed on. I’m really glad we did. She still doesn’t want to do dance anymore, but I think she at least has a good taste in her mouth about it because of performing. She had a lot of fun dressing up, doing make-up and having people cheer for all her hard work of learning her routine.

She really did work hard, and I was so impressed by how well she learned all her steps. It is just so amazing to me how grown up she is getting. Another thing I have loved about the recital experience is how much one-on-one time I have gotten with Fay. I, regrettably, am much quicker to snap at Fay when I have all three kids. And it has been so good to spend time with just her where I’m not relying on her to be another adult helper for me–she’s only five after all!

Anyway, enough of talking. Here are Fay’s dance pictures!

Thank you to Maren for lending us the pink ballet shoes for the recital!

As you can probably tell, her routine was Peter Pan and all the girls were little Wendys! Fay was, naturally, the cutest, most excellent Wendy of all! After watching all the preschool routines I was even more impressed by how well the kids in Fay’s class worked together and learned the choreography–which I thought was extra fun for the age group as well.

The recital was attended by parents and grandparents, and everybody doted appropriately on Fay for her wonderful performance! And then, just like that, it was all over. I think Fay and I will both miss seeing dance friends every week. Though I don’t think Carter or Portia are going to miss doing nothing but wander around the studio for an hour every Tuesday morning.


Another tender experience happened with Fay this past week. I had cleaned the whole house minus the kitchen on Wednesday, and Fay mentioned on Thursday that the kitchen was messy. I jokingly said that maybe she should come and help me do dishes instead of drawing with chalk on the driveway, to which she replied, “Sure! I’d love that!” Then we went in and did the dishes together. Her job was rinsing, and though after she realized she was supposed to get all the gunk off the dirty dishes, not just dump water in the clean dishes she lost a lot of enthusiasm, it was still more fun for me to have a sweetheart helper than do them myself.

I just love my girl!

Also, here is Portia as a mermaid.

She was so pleased with this experience that we had to photograph it!

Also, we need a picture of Carter and this is a funny one!


Summer Mantel!

I have had the same mantel decor up since Easter. It certainly was nice to have reminders of Christ and His Resurrection on display; but mostly I just didn’t have any inspiration for summer. Mother has asked me a few times over the past month or two if I have a new idea for the mantel and I can finally tell her “YES!”

I think this is my favorite mantel decoration I have ever done!  I was thinking about summer and what themes I could go with and none seemed quite right. I didn’t feel like doing a patriotic one (not because I don’t love my country, just because because). Every idea I found online for a summer mantel was beach-themed, and I live in land-locked Utah. I thought about doing a garden theme and looked up some pictures of those. I didn’t find any I liked, but I did see one garden themed mantel that had a completely random “lemonade for sale” sign as part of it. That was the perfect thing!!!!!

I decided to make my mantel into a lemonade stand for the summer!  I am basically in love with how it turned out (despite the fact that I spent more on this mantel decor than on all previous mantels)!

Check it out!

Ta Da!!!! I made the little fence thingy! Josh only helped a teensy bit!

All it needs is a cute pitcher of fresh lemonade–but that doesn’t keep very well and I want this mantel to be up all summer.

Now, I’m sure you’re all wondering if you can actually buy lemonade from this stand. Well, there’s only one way to find out. You’ll have to come to the stand and see for yourself!




Here’s the story.  Josh and I have been toying around with the idea of taking the family to California for a getaway for a year. We started getting serious about it this spring (ironically, right after we got home from Europe), but the drive was just so long, and other similar excuses. So we kind of tabled the idea–though Josh and I would each periodically bring it up in a half-serious way.

Then one day, everything changed.  We were talking about vacations in some way when Fay leaned over to Carter and uttered these words: “We only go on big trips with grandparents.”

That was it. We officially had to up our game as parents. So, we immediately set the plans in motion and within the month we were in California. The kids were so excited about the prospect of Disneyland and the beach and it was infectious! We were all counting down the days ’til we could finally go!

Here’s how it went down.

Busy on the road.

We left home at about 10:30 AM because Fay had dance that morning and her recital is quickly approaching. Josh had been so excited that he personally detailed the entire car and packed everything to perfection in preparation for the trip. The kids had a box of toys, their own coloring notebooks, and colors. We all had loads of snacks–healthy and unhealthy. So off we went.

Portia with a finger puppet pig and horse. She can make their sounds and it is outrageously cute!

Remember how I mentioned one of our biggest hang-ups about going to California was that it was a long drive. Well, let me tell you, it was a VERY long drive. We got set back about 3 hours because of traffic just past the border into California and by the time we got to our hotel at 10 something Pacific time, we were WAY DONE! Josh and I were cranky and when we woke the kids up they were super cranky UNTIL they got to the hotel room. Our kids LOVE hotel rooms. It took quite a while to get them settled down for the night. But finally we all fell asleep.

Our room was really fun! It had bunk-beds for the kids and even a sliding door between our side of the room and theirs!

And woke up bright and early the next morning. We were, naturally, too excited to sleep very late! We had a delicious breakfast at our hotel and made it to Disneyland just a few minutes after it opened! We went on five rides in the first hour or so we were there! Fay was really good at waiting in line for the first half of the day. Portia and Carter really didn’t care much for lines, but loved the rides!

Finally there!!

THE FIRST RIDE OF DISNEYLAND!!! Carter was scared of getting on the horses on the first ride, but had no trouble any other time we rode the carousel. This is me and him enjoying a stationary seat.

Portia loved it! No fear from her!

Dumbo! Fay was so excited to ride a yellow Dumbo. Fortunately the orange Dumbo can pass for yellow.

Portia getting ready for Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. She loves cars and steering wheels just like her big brother!

I was the one who was super excited for the teacups, and Fay was excited to go on them with me. And we had to have a yellow one, of course!

But there’s more than just rides at Disneyland! Fay and I waited and waited and waited to meet Moana! She’s only been a thing for 6 months and yet Fay has more Moana stuff than any other single princess but Sofia.
Fay met other characters, too, but you might get bored of seeing all the pictures, so I’ll only do the major highlights.

The momentous meeting!

Portia wanted to get her Minnie on! She was definitely the cutest mouse there!

We also enjoyed dinner at the “Red Rose Tavern” which was charmingly decorated like the tavern in Beauty and the Beast–complete with large framed-with-antlers picture of Gaston. It even had decent food! But the Fay and Portia were so tired they hardly ate. Carter took a 3 hour nap during the day, so he enjoyed it all quite thoroughly! Sorry no picture; we must have been too hungry to think of photographing it.

We took the kiddos back to the hotel and we all settled down for the night, except Josh who couldn’t bare to waste a single minute of Disneyland. He ran back while the kids and I slept and went on all the fun big-kid rides. Apparently he got really decent wait times and even got to see some fireworks!


The next day we woke up a little less early, had breakfast, slowly got ready and made it to California Adventure about an hour after open. We still managed to go on a lot of rides (thanks to the overcast, slightly chilly weather, I imagine) and see someone very special!

Carter’s favorite ride the last time we came (with grandparents…) was King Triton’s Carousel of the Sea. He rode it at least 10 times while we were there. So we had to go back. Portia was the one who really loved the carousels this time! Maybe it’s a one-year old thrill.

Bah! He’s so cute!

My beautiful princess on her noble, underwater steed!

Then we hopped in a line to see the one and only Princess Elena of Avalor. Fay wore her Elena dress and got Elena to sign her coloring notebook. She was super excited about meeting this princess and Elena made sure to spend a good chunk of time with her. She was a very happy girl.

Fay and I talked about what she was going to say to Elena when she met her. I told her to to point to her dress and ask “Who wore it better?” But alas, she was so absorbed in the majesty of Elena herself, she forgot to do it.

Meeting Elena was a big highlight for Fay, and while Elena really is a great princess (with a super cool theme song–check it out!) she is not the someone special I mentioned earlier. There is one character who has more love and adoration from one of our children than any other.

Carter met Mater!

Apparently, after Carter waited in line and was very next up to talk to Mater and get his picture taken, it was time for Mater to leave!!!!! But Somebody must have been looking out for our boy because Mater’s relief was caught up somewhere and was late! Carter got his chance! I love happy endings!

Also, Portia met this tractor.

She wished she was asleep.

Fay really did love everything at the Disney parks; but there is no question as to her true love.

She would stop to color while we were in lines, while we were eating, everywhere.

We were all tuckered out by the end of the second day, too! Josh didn’t even go back after the kids were asleep because he was too tired.

Friday was our beach day. We chose to do it the last day because it was finally sunny and warm. But we woke up to an unexpected complication. Portia threw up. We heard her making noises like throwing up as she was waking up, but it didn’t look too bad, so we wrote it off as just a weird thing. She didn’t want to eat much at breakfast and then threw up on the carpet of the hotel room when we got back.

So, we arranged with the hotel to have the carpets, etc. cleaned. Then we stopped at a laundromat to wash Portia’s clothes and blanket. THEN we went to the beach. She threw up a few more times (always on Josh, never on me), but was a really good sport at the beach and we all were able to have a lot of fun.

We were having so much fun in the sand and water that this is the only picture we have. Josh gets all the credit for documenting the beach.

I love the beach! I miss living close to a beach. Maybe we’ll just move back to North Carolina so we can go to the beach more often. Something I love about the beach is that you can do as much or as little as you feel up to without a whole lot of extra prep. You can just relax on the sand and enjoy the waves on the shore, or you can play in the water, chase the waves, make sand castles, grab mud and throw it on your kids feet (Carter loved that game!), have races through the water, etc.


Anyway, after the beach, we went home, got cleaned up (from sand, salt-water, and more throw-up) then had dinner at a yummy Mexican restaurant. Portia ate like there was no tomorrow. We tried to give her a tiny bit of our rice (complying with the BRAT diet), but she kept stealing more rice off our plates, and ate the majority of my rice. She kept it all down, though, so that’s good!

Then we went to Downtown Disney.

Eating ice-cream and loving life!

We told the kids they could each get one toy from Disneyland. Carter got a “Fabulous Hudson Hornet” from Lizzie’s shop in Cars Land, but Fay was too busy going on Radiator Springs Racers to look for a toy then (plus, she didn’t want a car, believe it or not). So we took her back to the big Disney store to choose something. Josh also chose a toy, but his was from the Lego store! He got an X-Wing kit. He has already put it together!

Fay and her toy of choice. She does love Belle, on account of her yellow dress.

Carter and his car.

After that, we turned in for our last night in California. We woke up Saturday, and got on the road as soon as we could, which ended up not being that soon. But we didn’t run into any huge traffic jams on the way home!

Josh started feeling sick to his stomach on the drive home, and Portia threw up all over herself about 45 minutes before we got home (we definitely just made her sit in it the rest of the way because we so desperately wanted to be done driving). And Carter woke up throwing up this morning. But even with all the sickness, and that drive that really was as long as we feared it would be, we are so glad we went on our family vacation! We’re glad that we, as well as our kids, know that we can go on a super fun trip without grandparents! (Though, I must note that this does NOT mean we don’t love going on trips with grandparents! We’ll take all the fun trips we can get!)