Today’s Sacrament Meeting was really special to me. I felt like the speakers each shared really deep, personal struggles they have dealt with or are currently dealing with and beautiful, profound insights on how the Savior and the Gospel have been their anchor and their support.
And as I was listening, I felt like I needed to share some things I have been dealing with the past week or so, and how the Savior has been my support. And I mostly felt like I needed to share it with my missionary, Mary. So, this one’s for you, Mara-Nara!
I am not proud to admit that I struggle with the same things over and over in my life. The Lord has taught me more times than I can remember about this subject, and yet here I am again fighting the same battle again. But again I have been struggling feeling my own worth/purpose. I have felt (and this is a non-exhaustive list) un-cool, un-fun, like I’m not pulling my own weight, and like I’m not becoming what I want to become. Though, I AM happy to report that I don’t believe this is mental illness talking here; it is just … Satan, really. So, maybe that’s not so happy after all.
Anyway, enough with the sad part, let’s talk about the learning part! One morning I was thinking about this subject, reflecting on YOUR words, Mary, and wondering how I could look to God to find my worth. As I was thinking I was reminded of Fay’s kindergarten experience and Carter’s preschool experience. It became very clear to me on multiple occasions during this past school year that to their teachers my precious children were, at best, some nice, normal students in their classes. Sure Fay’s teacher thought it was kind of cool that Fay’s favorite books are chapter books. And Carter’s teacher thought it was dandy that Carter never caused any trouble in school. But that was it. I recalled thinking on those occasions, Wait! They clearly don’t get what’s going on here! How do they not see that Fay and Carter are truly the most excellent children in their classes, and possibly the whole world? And I want you to know that is GENUINELY how I see things. I really believe that if only everyone in the whole world knew my children like I know them, they would treat them differently. They wouldn’t be able to help loving and cherishing them.
And again, it hit me. Fay and Carter, Portia and Helen, not a single one of them really does anything to benefit me. I mean, they don’t pull their weight in the family, they don’t make any extra money, or do super excellent housework or anything. And yet, they mean EVERYTHING to me. Not a single one of my children is anything close to perfect. They have faults, flaws, and idiosyncrasies galore. But I adore them! And even if they all decided to make every wrong choice; or even if they all became paralyzed and had severe brain damage and just became vegetables, I would never NEVER. EVER. stop loving them. I love them … BECAUSE. Because I just love them. That’s it. I loved them as soon as I knew they were coming to us, and there’s no way for me to ever stop loving them. Ever.
And somehow, even though I have heard this idea before, it hit me good and hard this time; and I actually believed that Heavenly Father could feel that way about me. I believed that maybe even Josh could feel that way about me. That maybe I am worth love and even adoration just because I am.
But it didn’t stop there! I realized for a few blessed, beautiful moments that every single person on this earth (even me) is a Fay, Carter, Portia, or Helen to Heavenly Father. He probably looks on His children and how they treat each other and wishes they could only see just how exquisitely precious each of His children is. That person who swore at you in the grocery store parking lot, Heavenly Father sees her heart and hopes with all His heart that you will understand that those words aren’t who she is. Who she is, is like He is. And she just needs time and love to ultimately reach that potential.
And, it was so cool! Because as I learned that, and got other pick-me-ups regarding my own performance (thanks Meg!), it didn’t make me feel complacent. It gave me strength and courage to try a little harder and also to be a little more satisfied with my efforts.
Heavenly Father is so good! And I’m so grateful for His patient, tireless teaching, and also the wonderful people He puts in our paths to help us feel His love. I only hope that this time I can remember the lesson a little bit longer.