
Easter is such a magnificent holiday! I am so grateful for the reality of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ! I am also so grateful for the privilege I have to know Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I am grateful for every experience I have had–delightful and lousy–that has solidified my personal testimony of Him and His mission.  And I am grateful that Easter is a holiday that people celebrate as a spring event, even if they aren’t religious. Because Christ is in it! I feel the same way about Christmas. I am okay with the commercialization of Christmas and Easter because it means that lots of people celebrate them, and even if you don’t want Him to be there or think that He is there, Christ IS in Easter! He is in the beautiful new life of spring! You can’t take Him out!

Also, it was lovely to have general conference on Easter Sunday because it is so special to hear Apostolic testimonies of the Savior on that day!

Here is a taste of how we celebrated Easter this year.

We started the Monday before. (We had been a little preoccupied with other stuff before then, believe it or not.) For family party we had an indoor Easter Egg hunt. Here’s Portia loving it!

She really did enjoy it. But this face was too priceless not to post (even though it is blurry).

We died Easter Eggs. The kids all loved this! But it was a little stressful for Josh trying to keep Portia from dumping all the colors all over when it was another cutie’s turn.

He’s the best dad ever.

On Saturday between sessions of conference we hid our colored eggs outside in the beautiful weather and had a fun hunt!

Fay wanted to make an Easter craft. So she made a bunny nose and set of ears.

She’s so cute!

While Josh was at Priesthood session, Carter reminded me that we hadn’t decorated for Easter. That was definitely NOT okay. So we set to work right away. I didn’t have any inspiration, so I let the kids decorate the mantel this time. They loved doing it, and it makes me smile every time I see it!

Here are the kids showing off their mantel masterpiece.

I love my silly cuties!

And though I didn’t think it would happen this year, we DID manage to get the three big kids Easter outfits (one of my favorite traditions)!

Happy Easter and Happy Spring!

2 Responses

  1. I love how proud Carter and Fay look in front of their decorated mantel! And those Easter outfits are adorable! Can I request more pictures of you and Helen?

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