So…here we are. Almost two weeks later. Mother has been here the whole time feeding us like royalty, taking care of the house, and making sure I take much-needed naps. Healing is going well, though we still have a long road ahead of us.
The kids are all enjoying having sweet Helen around, though all the changes associated with her arrival have taken a toll on each of them. We’ve had a lot more acting out recently, especially from Portia. But I’m confident that with time we’ll all get used to everything–especially once I can actually be a mom again.
And… yup. I don’t know what else is pertinent information, so that’s what you get.
Anyway, here are cute pictures. These were all taken this afternoon, because it is the first time I’ve gotten the camera out since I got home. Fay and Carter were loving on Helen, Portia was playing with toys, wearing her swimming suit. 🙂
Those are awesome pictures! Helen is so precious!