Christmas Festivities and Other Goings On

This post will be mostly pictures with some explanation.

Last Friday we had the annual Christmas Progressive Party! It was a huge, long night of all the treats, all the family, and so much fun! The kids were especially excited to meet one special someone!

Some people take their families to see Santa. Ha!

Last Saturday we went bowling as a family! It was a blast! Carter only ever bowled one score lower than 9. 🙂

The kids decided the front room was the beach/pool in Florida–complete with waterslide, splash-pad, and hot-tub. And, of course, they all had to wear their swimming suits for it!

A few days ago, Fay decided to be Santa with a beard. I had nothing to do with the idea, but I was very pleased to be part of executing it.

Santa Fay


Fay lost her second tooth this past week. She was a little overwhelmed by the experience; but by the next day she was happy about it.

Carter also had some tooth drama. He had to get a crown on one of his molars because it didn’t fully develop. He had to get a semi-sedative because it was such a big procedure for such a little guy. But now he’s got a silver tooth and it’s a pretty good conversation piece for him; so he’s good!

Carter as the sedative set in. He got pretty loopy and really funny!

Portia is quite the character. Here she is ready for winter.

“Donut Chin” (Out of the mouth of Portia) 

Yesterday was our ward Christmas party. They had an ugly sweater contest again. (You may recall that Josh was the winner last year.) Well, it was all too perfect because our neighbor who had almost the same sweater as Josh last year showed up in almost the same suit as Josh this year! There was no collaboration either time. It was all just so delightful!

Tonight we had our traditional drive to look at Christmas lights. Last year all the kids fell asleep about two minutes in, so we just went home and put them to bed. But tonight was awesome! We found a bunch of neighborhoods where people really went all out! It was a ton of fun!

This is our neighbor’s house. It is spectacular!

Also, here are some cuties.


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