Fay has mentioned that it really isn’t back to school as she has never gone. But I was going to school FOREVER, so it definitely feels like going back for me!
Anyway, I debated whether to post Fay’s picture before (her first day was last Thursday), but I thought it would be fun to post Fay and Carter together.
Fay has loved kindergarten so far! She is also quite good at remember what she did during the day. Carter had his very first day of preschool today. He wasn’t at all nervous (neither was Fay, come to mention it), but very excited to go. And when I picked him up he seemed very happy and also quite tired. They are both excited to go again! I hope it lasts and lasts! (Because school will last whether their enthusiasm does or not, ha ha!)
Also, I decided what I needed was a back-to-school mantel. It has helped me keep from decorating my whole life for autumn while it is still 95 degrees outside!
How does Portia like being the only child at home for a few hours?
Fay has morning kindergarten and Carter has afternoon preschool, so I still always have at least 2 cuties at home. Fay is actually the one who gets the most personal time because Portia naps during Carter’s preschool.