The other evening, we took the kids to the church parking lot so that they could all freely ride their bikes. It was a beautiful evening, and the kids all three had so much fun! Josh and I had fun just watching them. Moments like these remind me just how much Heavenly Father loves us and all His children.
Fay is such a goofball! She loves making silly faces and silly noises. She also loves her pink and purple bike.
Carter loves doing his own thing. He decided that it was cooler to ride around the tiny side-walk thingy that goes around the perimeter of the church than to ride in the parking lot. He was very happy to pose for pictures.
I dare you to try and be sad after seeing Portia’s elation at being out on the road. She’s so happy she can’t keep the drool back!
They’re all so happy! I want to see more pictures of Elisabeth as well!