I had a birthday… And other summer stuff

I had a birthday on July 24th, as I am wont to do each year. 🙂 I am now 26, and it feels really good! I told Josh that what I wanted for my birthday was the same thing that I always want: time away from the kids, and ideally, time with Josh away from the kids.  He gave me a birthday marathon date! It was all the wonderful!

As my actual birthday was on Sunday, we had our date the day before. We enjoyed the following activities

  • Dinner at Black Sheep cafe in Provo–which I have wanted to try since before we went to grad school.
  • Tennis–we have gotten back into tennis this summer, and even though we are SO BAD at it, we have so much fun!
  • Brownies and BYU creamery cookies and cream ice-cream–I told Josh that instead of a cake I wanted all the brownies and c&c ice-cream I could eat, but it had to be from the creamery. That is the reason we took our date all the way down to Provo.
  • A small amount of shopping
  • Some of movie night at my brother’s house
  • Lots of lovely conversation while in transit

It was quite lovely!

My face is bright red because we had just played tennis in an hour in the 90 degree heat.

My face is bright red because we had just played tennis for an hour in the 90 degree heat. Also, I feel like I look a little pirate-y in this picture! “Y’aargh! It be me birthday, matey!”

My actual birthday was super great too! Josh made me all my favorite foods all day long! The primary sang “Happy Happy Birthday” to me twice! And I ate even MORE brownies and ice-cream! Plus, Fay and I matched for church.

Fay's face! If you want to know, Yes. She really is that happy and excited on a regular basis! And Yes. She is that cute (or more) in real life.

Fay’s face! If you want to know, Yes. She really is that happy and excited on a regular basis! And Yes. She is that cute (or more) in real life.

The next day my parents and siblings and company celebrated Pioneer Day, which meant more celebration for my birthday too! It felt like I had 3 days of birthday this year! I am too spoiled!

After all the fun, we sort of resumed normal life for a couple of days. One day I took the kids to the aquarium. They love going there, and so do I! I think we should probably go again this week…

Fay posing with a penguin. She has a hard time looking at the camera in pictures.

Fay posing with a penguin.

One day, my brother Morgan texted me and asked if Portia was still cute. I sent him this picture and said “See for yourself.”

She is.

She is.

We had our three days of normal life, and then we partied some more! We went to southern Utah for a family reunion for my dad’s family. It was really fun to visit, play games, go on hikes, and eat yummy things! The kids LOVED playing in all the dirt! I’m interested to see what laundry is like tomorrow.

This is the kids on the way down. We stopped in Spanish Fork for lunch, and the kids ate unprecedentedly well for being in the car!

This is the kids on the way down. We stopped in Spanish Fork for lunch, and the kids ate unprecedentedly well for being in the car!

Now we’re home again! And an exciting surprise awaited us upon our return!


We planted 4 tomato plants this year, so hopefully this will be just the first of many similar harvests! I’m thinking tomato sandwiches are in my near future. 🙂

Yeah. Summer is good.

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