I was going to post this multiple weeks ago, but our blog got hacked again, so I couldn’t. But now Josh thinks he knows how to keep the hackers at bay, and so we should be ready to go for the new year! We’ll see what happens…
Anyway, we had a super fun holiday season! I could talk your ears off about it; but I decided to let the pictures do most of the talking (since there will be many), and I’ll just add brief commentary.
The festival of trees is one of my favorite traditions ever! We went as a family and had so much fun! We even saw my junior high choir teacher there!
Our library keeps having these super fun picture stations! The kids ask to take pictures every time we go!
This is me at the aquarium with my soul-mate-turtle. We totally made eye-contact! Josh made sure that the event was documented!
We made snow-flakes for family party at Fay’s request!
Josh got ligths up on my parents house, and was about to do them for our house when…it snowed. But that didn’t stop Josh! He only got part of the house lit; but, but they were still super cool!
We made gingerbread houses! They were nothing like the St. Peter’s Basilica that Josh made a few years ago; but we all had fun! Fay decorated hers all by herself! Carter mostly just loved how much candy was being opened!
Carter loves playing “witch!” He will put an umbrella or a broom or whatever between his legs and walk around saying “vitch!” Then I always sing “Carter is a good little witch” to him (if you’ve seen much Sofia the First, it’s a song from one of those episodes)
This video is just a sample of the music we experienced through the Christmas season! Fay seriously knows every Christmas song ever by heart! I watch this, and it is just pure joy to me!
Christmas Eve morning is a crazy huge family party–Josh’s side–at Carl’s Junior. We decided to be a little festive this year! (Notice some of the crazy family in the background!)
Our house right after Santa came!
Kids in their Christmas Eve pajamas!
And then Christmas morning finally came!
Carter in his backpack! He loves backpacks and anything that helps him feel like a big kid!
I made this mermaid tail for Fay. The cutest thing ever is when she has somebody hold her so that she can kick like a mermaid!
After presents at our house, we braved the weather and went to Mother and Daddy’s house! We got more presents, and ate delicious food, and played with family! So much fun! Then we drove down to Mom and Dad’s house and did it all again! We all got spoiled and had so much fun!
The week between Christmas and New Years was fun and relaxing. One project we had was to organize the play room!
It is amazing what giving everything an actual home does to clean-up! The room can be totally trashed, and it only takes 10 minutes to send it back to perfect!
We are a little hooked by the organization and cleanliness, and one of our major goals for 2016 is to make-over our home a little at a time! We’re excited to see what we can do, but are aware that when baby comes, we will probably accomplish less. 🙂
We drove down to visit my Grandma in Monticello, Utah! While we were there, we were talking about how beauty can be found anywhere if we look. I have driven through southern Utah about a jillion times in my life, and I honestly never really appreciated it. But as I did stop to really look, I noticed that it really can be beautiful. (The red rock is stunning and makes up for the brush and dirt that cover the rest of the landscape.)
Fay’s singing is awesome! I love that she knows all the words! She takes after her mom 🙂
Kathryn! Thanks for always commenting on my blog! You’re the best sister ever!!!!