Catch up

I guess we’ve been busy lately, because it has been a LONG time since I have posted. My apologies.

IMG_2950Fay and Carter are the cutest kids ever! Fay is becoming more and more of a big sister all the time. She gets excited for Carter when he stands up (with assistance, obviously), she says things like “Carter happy boy!” and when he’s crying “Carter milk!”  It is really a joy to watch!

Carter also loves Fay! I notice him watching what she does, and he loves any attention he gets from her!

True colors?

True colors?

On July 11, we celebrated Second Christmas (aka: Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A). We dressed as cows and got free food! It was great! Carter’s outfit is actually a dalmatian one, but he looked enough like a cow, I think. Plus, he can’t eat chick-fil-a yet.


Okay, the masks totally look more like pigs than cows. I admit it. But they got us free chicken, and that is what counts!

Last week, it rained like CRAZY in Chapel Hill! The whole family went outside to enjoy it! Josh and I took turns holding Carter under an overhang on our building and going out to play with Fay in the rain. Fay LOVES playing in the rain! We probably stayed out there for 20 minutes and we were all drenched! Alas, I had to take the picture, so you don’t get to see how wet I got.IMG_2964

Summer is being good to us!


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