
Josh and I have recently re-picked up some hobbies. Josh got (from me) some oil paints for Christmas 2012. He tinkered with them quite a bit last spring, but since we moved to North Carolina and school started again, he hasn’t had much of an opportunity to paint. But, now that we have 9:00 church and Fay takes a Sunday nap, he uses that time (I’m usually napping as well) to work on his painting! This is a recently finished work of his! It is beautiful and meaningful for this part of our life!

For those of you who don’t know, that is the well that is the icon of UNC.


As for me… My Aunt Martha taught me to crochet when I was about 12 (when Mother and Daddy went to pick Jordan up from his mission to Venezuela), but since high school I really haven’t done much until NOW! 

I’ve been a little baby happy (we are only 11 weeks away from baby Kid’s due date!) and the baby boy vest is the first article of clothing I’ve ever really made! AND it is the first pattern I have ever followed from written instructions!  The white project is the beginnings of a hat for Little Brother Monson. It was supposed to be newborn size, but I can’t really tell if it actually will be. Especially since my perception of baby is all skewed right now. We’ll see when he gets here!

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