Endless Summer

It has been too long since I have written an update on our goings on. So here are some quick high-lights from this past summer that seemed like it would just never end! June brought us the end of school and the whole gang back home. This June was the most enjoyable month of summer […]

A Brief Study in Monson Hair

This is another one of those just-for-fun posts … like all of them, I guess. A while ago, I was coiffing my two older girls and was struck by how different their hair was. I gave Fay an explanation about the kind of hair she had and then sort of ran with the idea. And […]

Carter’s Baptism

This past Saturday was such a wonderful day for the Monson family! Carter was baptized and confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We are so proud of him, and I think he is even more proud of himself for making this wonderful decision. The final hours leading up […]

Fay turned 10?!

I feel like any child entering the realm of double digit age is a huge deal. But now that it’s my child, my brain just has a hard time getting around it. But indeed, our most amazing Fay turned 10 on May 7, and we are SO glad she’s been ours for every one of […]


This past week Josh and I escaped, just the two of us, on a week long cruise to the Carribbean! It was such a needed break for us, and one that we never could have done without the magnificent Mother and Daddy! We are SO SO SO grateful for everything Mother did to take care […]

Our Man is 8!

Carter turned 8 years old yesterday. He celebrated with all his favorites: donuts, juice, tacos, and a father-son trip to the skate park. We love this dude so much! Carter is our little Everything-Man. He seriously loves so many things! He loves soccer (especially drop-kicking), scooters, bikes, trampoline jumping, and playing with sisters. Those are […]

Happy Birthday Bianca

Our sweet little Bianca Reine turned 2 years old this past Tuesday! However, we were all, and she especially, laid up with a stomach bug; so we didn’t actually celebrate her birthday at all until Thursday. It was very convenient that she is young enough not to care about the change. She had a list […]

Our Favorite Flavor!

Our gorgeous Helen turned 4 years old yesterday! Her requested decor was raccoons. We did our best. Helen’s birthday planning usually coincides with Portia’s because their birthdays are two days apart. Portia had very specific plans for all her birthday meals about a month in advance; but Helen took things slow. I did get her […]

Portia’s Sixth Birthday!

Happy 6 years to Portia this past Thursday! We love this spirited little girl we have so much! Some fun things to note about Portia include, but are not limited to: She loves reading! She is a gifted reader who will spend 30+ minutes reading to herself for fun, or spend time reading to her […]

LoveSac Baby

If you can sing the title, you get extra points. But don’t sing the rest of the song, because–since acquiring the lovesac–we have learned that it really isn’t a very good song. That’s probably the reason why I only ever knew the chorus. Or maybe it’s because the chorus is the only catchy part of […]