We decided to make our vacation the grand finale to our summer break, going to Lake Tahoe the week before school started. The last time we went to Lake Tahoe was in 2018. It was beautiful and so much fun, that time, but it was also so. much. work. Helen was a 5 month old baby, and Fay was only 6; so it was a lot of effort to keep 4 little kids alive in the water. Plus, it is just a lot of work to keep 4 little kids entertained, occupied, happy, etc. anywhere, but especially when they are so far away from their comfort zone.
But I’m glad we did it, even with all the effort it was. And I didn’t realize until this past trip how many family traditions we unwittingly established on that trip.
The first tradition we established was that of stopping at the Salt Flats and the obligatory “model poses” thereat. This tradition began because of this picture I happened to take of Portia back in 2018.
We joked, as we reviewed our pictures after that trip, that Portia looked like some kind of magazine model with her head-tilt and ultra blonde hair standing out in the winter-white salt flats.
And now we always need to take “model pictures” when we are there.
Except that Carter really didn’t want one. So I got what I could from him.
Another tradition we happened to start back in 2018 was that of turning all the girls into sand mermaids (see above). I think I probably made 8ish mermaid tails this past trip, and that was with me saying “no” multiple times. 😂 But I’ll spare you every iteration, and just show you one picture.
Carter didn’t care to be turned into a merman; but he did make himself a sand thrown that was pretty impressive!
Another tradition we kept was the beaches we went to. We got some tips for some pretty picturesque beaches; but we found that we really preferred to just go back to Pope Beach. It was close to our airbnb, had good sand and convenient bathrooms, and was just our favorite. I’m not opposed to trying new beaches in the future; but I’m also not opposed to going back to Pope.
One thing that we did that was not a tradition, but definitely shall be is take a paddle-board with us! I have learned that I LOVE being on the water (more so than in the water)! We would take turns rowing out with different assortments of kids in tow, and every time I went it was just delightfully relaxing and exhilarating! It was so good!
Anyway, our days at Lake Tahoe kind of went like this
- Wake up, get dressed, and have breakfast leisurely
- Leave to go on some kind of hike or nature walk (because the mornings are rather chilly for swimming)
- Return to the house to change into swimming stuff
- Head to the beach and have lunch casually between trips to the water and breaks to become a mermaid
- Return to the house because we got rained out of the beach
- Watch a movie
- Play outside (if the rain stopped) or around the house
- Have dinner
- Play card games, read books, have a dance party, etc.
- A long, extra-arduous bedtime routine
Obviously there was some variation between the days; but it really did kind of follow that pattern. It was funny that it rained most of the days we were there. But I wouldn’t even call it unfortunate. I loved having the relaxing movie-watching late afternoons. And I loved that it never got hot. And I loved smelling the rain. And I loved even being out in the rain when it was more along the lines of drizzle status than torrential downpour. 😊
Here are some more pictures of the trip starting with
The kids room in the house!
And here are some views from our time in the mountains!
One of my, personal, favorite things to be found around Lake Tahoe is the assortment of tiny to ENORMOUS pine cones! I keep meaning to bring some of the really big ones home to use in Christmas decor somehow and always forget. (But the kids all got home; so I consider that a success!) Here is Portia demonstrating the array we were able to round up mostly from the trees in “our” back yard!
I told Josh, as we got back on the road to come home, that this family vacation was the most fun, relaxing vacation I have had since 2013 (when we only had one child). Josh said he felt like it was a lot of work. So, I want to make sure I acknowledge how much Josh personally took care of. Josh loves to plan trips, and he REALLY planned this one! He found the house, he packed the car, he planned and prepared ALL the meals, he found fun things to bring in the car to entertain the kids, and he kept the diabetic girls alive when they went low in the night. He was truly so So SO good to us all! I’m so grateful for him!!! But I also hope that next time we can be a little more of a team with all the things so that he feels as good at the end of the trip as the rest of us do.
Thanks Josh. I love you more than everything! ❤️🔥 😍😘 🫶 🥰 😚 ♥️