It’s been since before Halloween that I’ve posted anything. I keep hoping that life will slow down a little and that I’ll blog more; but we have yet to see that. Probably what needs to happen (if I truly want this as a consistent family history) is that I’ll need to just blog more even though nothing is slowing down. 🙂
Anyway, I think I’ll do the kind of post where my text mostly doesn’t have much to do with the pictures, and the pictures will just have all their commentary in the description.
My theme word for 2019 was Laugh. I chose that word for a few reasons: I have heard that people in general laugh significantly less nowadays than they did in like 1950 or something like that, and felt like that was about as much of an invitation as I needed to resolve to laugh more. Another big reason I chose laugh was that I felt like I needed a little break from huge life-altering stuff. Engage in 2018 was a huge success, and I grew so much–not just because of the theme; but because of life. But I was feeling kind of tired by the end of the year. I felt like laughing more would be a great way to enjoy my life more in the moment without having to think too hard.
I feel like it worked! With my theme words, I definitely don’t think about them every single day. And I probably went weeks at a time not thinking about laugh. But a big change I saw was that I noticed much more when I was laughing, and I embraced it a little more than I otherwise would have. So, this past year, I can recall multiple occasions where I just laughed and laughed for probably up to a minute about something, just because I started and it felt really good, so I didn’t do anything to suppress it.
I really like that sort of notion: that if something is feeling good–even if it’s not the norm in the world, or even your norm–you can just embrace it and just sort of see how long it will last. Obviously, you want to make sure it is truly and thoroughly good; and I see no harm in genuine, happy, lighthearted laughter. Maybe that’s a little bit of what I’m doing with these yearly themes. So far I’ve had a lot of fun and feelings of satisfaction and success with them, so I’ll just keep going until I don’t have as much fun and success with them.
I’ve been thinking of a new word for next year, and I’m trying to be ambitious and yet realistic about it. We’re having another baby next spring and I know that just that fact will limit a lot of what I can physically accomplish. But I feel like it is also an opportunity for me to try to become something more, even if I can’t do that much. (I have a whole spiel about that; but perhaps another day.)