This weekend has been such fun! It snowed like crazy Friday night and half of Saturday, so we kind of hunkered down at home on Saturday. Josh said it kind of felt like we were on Christmas vacation and I agreed. We could go somewhere if we really wanted to, but we didn’t have any obligations, so we mostly just played together alternating between the snow and the warm house.
Today church was a little bit hilarious as far as Portia was concerned. She refused to fall asleep until after 9:00 last night and so was super tired. Plus church now interrupts her nap-time perfectly. PLUS, she has recently decided that she hates nursery. So, right as I was starting singing time in primary, Josh showed up to tell me she had just thrown up twice because of how angry she was to be in nursery. What he didn’t tell me then was that she threw up all over her nursery leader. He was BEYOND a good sport about it, telling us he just felt bad for her. I’m pretty sure we owe him something big…
After church Josh had a fun idea to build a city out of a bunch of our building toys and drive cars around it. It turned out to be really cool.
Also, we did pedicures for the kids tonight. They all loved soaking their feet in the water! And they were all so cute getting their feet lotioned. I didn’t think to take any pictures until we were on the last one. But here’s what I have.
I promise I really was here for all of this; I just always ended up behind the camera this time.
Also, for your viewing pleasure, here is my New Year’s mantel. My favorite part is the black board-sign. I made it using stickers Josh got me for Christmas. I feel like it looks so professional thanks to the perfect letters!
Maybe if they gave pedicures in nursery, Portia would like it more 🙂
Ha ha! I should suggest it!