It’s About Time We Saw Some Videos

I feel like it has been forever since I have posted video evidence of how cute my kids are! So here are some gems from the past few weeks.

Portia thinks she is all grown up already. It is fun to see her try to do big kid stuff! And she is such a sweet little helper!

We also recently discovered that all three kids LOVE “This Little Piggy!” But Portia loves it the very most. She will beg for “whee whee whee” over and over! Fay loves to be a big helper, too, by helping pass pigs around to all who need them.

Also, Fay and Carter are always coming up with some new, creative way to entertain themselves. This is a song they have composed (nobody knows who Prince Zazu is or why 7 miles away is significant, but it is super fun to watch them rock out to it periodically)!


Also, Fay got to meet a real artist the other day at the library. I thought it was super cool for Fay, who sees herself as an artist, to meet somebody who actually has an art exhibit. I also thought it was cool for me to meet a real artist!

We learned a lot about Polynesian culture from this artist! It was very clear that she does her artwork on the subjects about which she is most passionate! What better way to do art?

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