Logan and a Birthday

This past weekend we took our Christmas-gift-trip with Mother and Daddy to Logan. It was so much fun! We went to the temple and tabernacle, we went to the zoo, we hiked, we swam at the hotel pool (the kids favorite part), we ate at yummy restaurants, we played fun games in the car, we threw up (Fay and Carter did, that is), and all had a wonderful time and made lots of wonderful memories with grandparents and grandkids! Both Carter and Fay have told me they want to go back to Logan!

I think my favorite part was the hike we took up Tony Grove. It was a similar experience to going around Silver Lake. It, along with the hike Josh and I took on my birthday, reminds me how much I love the mountains! I just want to go hiking all the time! The flowers and lake were so beautiful, the air was clean and cool! It was even exercise! Man! I just want to go out on another hike…

These are, unfortunately, the only pictures we have of the Logan event:

You can’t tell from the picture how many different colors and types of flowers were on the hill, but there were approximately 3 gajillion! It was magical!

At the zoo, we were all looking at the geese and ducks and such on this pond then decided to move on, when Josh said “Hey, there’s like a giant elk thing in the pond.” We ran back and were all embarrassed by how we had missed such a huge animal. It turned out to be a caribou!

Daddy had his great big, fancy camera, and I thought I would just let him take all the pictures. I didn’t think about the fact that that would leave us with no pictures.


Also of note this past week is the fact that I had a birthday. I’m now 27! I love getting older! I find it interesting that because of one choice I made–to start having kids right after I got married at 21–I will be young for the rest of my whole life. But it is good, because I will never dread a birthday! I will always look forward to being one year closer to being taken seriously! 🙂

I celebrated 27 years of life with lemon bars, a hike, a trip to an art museum, a nap, and talking with family members! Plus, Josh did everything in his power to make the day as easy and enjoyable for me as possible. He is the best part of my 27 years!

Josh and me on my birthday hike! It was so beautiful and the company was unsurpassable! Don’t I look old?!


Also, here is a happy moment from today.

Hop on Josh Pop!

Just a Bit of Summer Fun

I don’t have much by way of interesting commentary this week. But I thought it would be fun to record some of the fun things we’ve been doing this summer. Mostly I just had fun going through pictures and seeing how cute my kids are, especially when they are all together.

The kids a few weeks ago at Grandma and Grandpa’s house. They love this little table and they are SO CUTE when they sit at it!

I love how creative the kids are with their play sometimes. Here, they were making a roller coaster for their cars.

We were at the library the other day and there was some kind of Harry Potter camp going on, so they had this GIANT picture backdrop of the castle. The kids wanted to take a picture so we did. I think they enjoyed it… ha ha!

We sometimes do crafts together. This craft was making caterpillars. After the kids completed their paper caterpillars, we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar together. It was simple and fun and I think they turned out pretty cute!

So, our family does dance parties fairly frequently. Last Friday (a week plus 2 days) Josh decided we needed to go all out for a dance party. He sent Fay and me to the dollar store for fun stuff (glow sticks, party hats, etc.) and he set up all his fancy lighting and effects with the projector. Everybody had a ton of fun! I feel like dance parties are going to be one of those family traditions the kids will be embarrassed to tell their friends about when their teenagers, but will always love doing. I definitely love it!

AHHHH! They are so cute! Josh took this picture today at church while they were all waiting for me to get out of primary. I love my cuties!!!

It’s About Time We Saw Some Videos

I feel like it has been forever since I have posted video evidence of how cute my kids are! So here are some gems from the past few weeks.

Portia thinks she is all grown up already. It is fun to see her try to do big kid stuff! And she is such a sweet little helper!

We also recently discovered that all three kids LOVE “This Little Piggy!” But Portia loves it the very most. She will beg for “whee whee whee” over and over! Fay loves to be a big helper, too, by helping pass pigs around to all who need them.

Also, Fay and Carter are always coming up with some new, creative way to entertain themselves. This is a song they have composed (nobody knows who Prince Zazu is or why 7 miles away is significant, but it is super fun to watch them rock out to it periodically)!


Also, Fay got to meet a real artist the other day at the library. I thought it was super cool for Fay, who sees herself as an artist, to meet somebody who actually has an art exhibit. I also thought it was cool for me to meet a real artist!

We learned a lot about Polynesian culture from this artist! It was very clear that she does her artwork on the subjects about which she is most passionate! What better way to do art?

Catch Up

So much has happened since I last posted. Perhaps that is why, despite my efforts to post each week, it has been 3 weeks since I last successfully published anything here.

Here’s a bullet list of exciting goings on

  • Father’s Day! I have such a great dad, such a great husband, and such a great father-in-law! I am SO grateful for the influence of righteous men in my life!
  • Josh’s birthday!!! Josh is the best ever and has been doing it for a full 29 years now! He has decided that since he is 29, he should probably start acting like an adult. So far, that has meant that he got a haircut, and is trying to figure out what adults do.

    My favorite boys!

  • Fay is now reading like crazy! She frequently reads books to Carter and it is so fun to watch and listen to!
  • Carter has started potty-training, which I pretty much thought would never actually happen. He is getting increasingly better at proactively telling us when he needs to go, but he still has accidents. I’m just glad that he’s interested at all!
  • Portia is now a walking machine! I also thought this milestone would never arrive, but it finally has! Don’t try to tell me that she needs to stop growing up. I am LOVING this stage! She almost waddled right out of the library the other day, and it was just so cute that I had to love it!

    The girls walking through the rose garden. Ashton gardens are one of my new favorite destinations!

  • This past weekend we went to Monticello for the annual Muhlestein family reunion. It is kind of magical to hang out with cousins when you’re all grown up with families and stuff. I feel like I get to know them in a totally different, and good, way!

    The ONLY picture we took of the reunion: our tent as we went to bed (Thanks to Mom and Dad for letting us borrow their big tent as well as bedding for the kids). The kids loved the tent, the cabin, the dirt, the cousins, everything!

And now we are getting excited for the Fourth of July!