This dude turned 3 years old today! It was enormously fun to watch Carter get into the birthday spirit! He kept declaring how much he loved all his gifts, and would respond with a super enthusiastic “free” whenever he was asked how old he was! I love this kid so much!
Let’s talk about Carter these days!
Another thing Carter loves is music! He knows all the words to the primary songs (and I just let him perform with the primary even though he’s still in nursery), loves to listen to and sing songs at home. He will sometimes just sing or hum to himself, just like Fay does. It makes me so happy! I heard once (on an I’m a Mormon video, I think), “kids can’t really be cranky or sad if they’re singing” and I think there’s a lot of truth to that. So I’m glad my boy loves his music!
Recently Carter–who was my best napper in the whole world–has decided he will. not. nap. I think he genuinely doesn’t always need a nap. He was having a hard time going to sleep at bedtime for a couple of weeks, and that’s when I started allowing him to skip naps. But it quickly became apparent that he still needed them some days. He doesn’t usually get all that grumpy, which is a beautiful blessing, but he just falls asleep at random times in random places, and there’s nothing anyone can do to wake him except go put him in his bed. Once he’s been “put down” he will wake right up because he doesn’t want/need a nap. He’s fallen asleep on the couch, multiple times sitting at the dinner table, and one time sitting in the middle of the floor.
Carter is getting to that age where he just thinks up the wildest things to entertain himself. Today, he wanted to get in his bed and put every blanket he owns (he just got two new ones today) on top of him. He just grinned and giggled the whole time he was there. Sometimes he wants to run in circles around the couch forever. Sometimes he wants to line up all his cars and just look at them. The other day, he decided I needed to be his bed, and he just laid there on me for like 5 minutes.
We love our boy so much! I’m so grateful he’s been mine for three whole years, and infinitely grateful he will be mine for eternity!
🚗-ter is the coolest!
This is clever.