There’s not a whole lot on my mind right now–except perhaps the refashion project I just finished that didn’t turn out very well…–but I wanted to share some snippets of our simple day at home.
Fay came downstairs this morning dressed in all yellow–her favorite color. I told her she looked like sunshine! She loved that notion and so jumped up on her chair, spread out her arms, and shone down on me. My job was to verbally bask in the sunshine until she curled up in a ball signifying that the sun had set.
Carter naturally wanted to join in! Fay, however, quickly pointed out that he was not wearing yellow and could, therefore, not be a sun. I mentioned that the setting sun sometimes looks red. The game changed to Carter being the evening, setting sun who would curl up into a ball to turn it to night. Then Fay would quickly unfold and stretch out her arms to be the morning sun! Repeat as often as desired.
Portia is just growing up! I have finally admitted to myself that she no longer fits into her 6-9 month clothes. But all Fay’s 12 month clothes were summer shorts and short-sleeves, so I pulled out some of her 18 month clothes–which she, incidentally, wore ’til she was two–to see if any of them would work. They totally fit! They are on the bigger side of fitting, but she can definitely wear them! Crazy!
Also, this picture is just to make you smile.