People often say they don’t have a favorite child. And I get that. I mean, how could you pick favorites among your own offspring? But let me tell you: my Fay is something super special. She is so funny, and bizarre, and then super sweet and Christ-like within seconds of each other. She gets pretty dramatic sometimes when things don’t go her way; but she is willing to completely forgive in a heartbeat! She loves anything princess, anything girly, and anything Carter is currently enjoying. She is all fun! Fay could definitely be my favorite child.
Fay in her dance uniform. She has to wear that horribly ill-fitting leotard without sleeves, which is lame. But she only wears it during class, and any other ballerina time she may want to have is sleeved and more flattering.
Oh, but then there’s my boy. Carter is such a gem! He does what he wants and the way he wants it. If you get in his way you will incur his wrath and rage–mostly this is the case when he is tired or hangry. He gets VERY hangry. But when he is well rested and well fed, he is a sweet little snuggle buddy! He loves getting his toes kissed or kissing Portia’s toes. He loves taking naps (but not going to bed), peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, singing songs, and reading stories. And he gets so much joy out of simple little things like his Mater (from Cars) toy. Yeah. He might just be my favorite child.
It doesn’t get cooler than this.
But if you have ever spent any time with Portia, you know that she is a shining star. She is just so enthusiastic about her little life! She relishes every ritz cracker that is placed before her, devouring it with more cuteness than one would ever think possible. She has a smile as wide as her whole self that she sports readily to anyone who pays her some much-craved attention. She is snuggly and loving, but also can be independent and takes to new skills quickly. If you ever need somebody to stuff something in their mouth and chomp on it for a while, you will never find a better volunteer than my Portia. Pretty sure she’s probably my favorite child.
So happy to just be!
So, I really do understand those people who don’t have a favorite child. But I do. I have a favorite child. Three actually. They each have the personality and make-up to warrant being my favorite. And they really are each my very favorite child.
Movie time!
And thinking about that makes me think that maybe Heavenly Father picks favorites too. Maybe He has an equal number of favorite children to the number of children He has. It is a pretty powerful thought to me to think of being Heavenly Father’s favorite child. And I think we really each are His very favorite child. 🙂
We climb on this frog (or the yellow one) and take a picture every single time we go to this part of the aquarium. It was, until just now, and unwritten rule. Now it is written.
Anyway, pontifications aside; here’s a little bit of what we’ve been up to recently.
Not too much, actually; which is kind of nice. Me and the kids have spent a lot of days at home in the past little bit. Although, we did go visit cousins yesterday, and that was definitely the highlight of the kids’ week!
The girls in the front yard. Fay loves seeing what she can get Portia to eat!
This was Carter’s idea to begin with, but Fay had to take part in anything that was being photographed. I asked him what the little pipes were and he said “My shoes!”
On Sunday, we went to Sugar House park for a picnic dinner. The kids discovered a tree that they could easily walk under and declared it their cave. They spent over an hour playing in their cave together. It was so cute! It’s so special when they play together and just get along!
The kids in the cave.
Today I got some rare time alone with Carter. Usually Carter and Portia’s naps overlap, so I can get some time alone with Fay. And when Portia goes down for her nap later than Carter, but Fay is doing preschool I can get some alone time with Portia. But by the time Carter wakes up from his nap, Fay is always done with preschool and we’re kind of back to the norm. But today, Fay randomly took a nap while Portia was down, so it was just me and Carter for a while! We checked for ripe tomatoes in the garden, then we sat on the deck eating apples (thanks Maren!) together and chatting about grasshoppers, Daniel Tiger and Mater. It was priceless!
I have been LOVING the past two days of cooler weather!!!! I am super excited for when it gets serious about being autumn! But we’ll try and enjoy a few more days of wearing shorts and sandals this coming week, too.
Getting ready to be reverent during family scripture study. Sometimes tucking them in helps.