Josh’s Day/Fathers’ Day

This year, Josh’s birthday fell on Fathers’ Day. That meant that there was only one day to celebrate him as a person and as a father. Well, we couldn’t have that, now could we? 🙂

Josh opening a birthday present

Josh opening a birthday present

We started celebrating Josh’s birthday last Monday, June 13. My goal was to have a gift every day and some kind of party every day. (Yes, it was exhausting, but also fun, and totally worth it!)

Monday, Josh got a non-neutral/blue t-shirt because he keeps talking about how he doesn’t have any. He wanted it to say something cool on it.

It doesn't get cooler than that!

It doesn’t get cooler than that! And I feel like the bed-head just adds to the effect of the shirt!

Our party that night was a bbq with Josh’s favorite things–that means we had chips and donuts with our bbq.

Tuesday, we had his family over for cake and ice-cream, and he got a new tool he has been wanting for a while.

Carrot cake on the left, pineapple upside down cake on the right. Josh made them both. He said he thought the carrot cake turned out much better than the pineapple. I felt like the pineapple was really good!

Carrot cake on the left, pineapple upside down cake on the right. Josh made them both. He said he thought the carrot cake turned out much better than the pineapple. I felt like the pineapple was really good!

Wednesday, Josh got a gift in the morning, but since he had a church meeting in the evening, we did less of a party. I made the chicken and rice that he requested, and we put his candle in it to sing to him.

The bottom of the candle melted in the hot food. :)

The bottom of the candle melted in the hot food. 🙂

Thursday, gift in the morning, and fiesta for the party that evening! Josh picked everything he wanted for tacos for dinner, then we had a piñata with his favorite candies afterwards. There was even some mariachi music that night!



We all had a blast with the piñata! Nobody did much to it (not even me) until Josh's turn. Then he kind of decapitated it twice! It was great!

We all had a blast with the piñata! Nobody did much to it (not even me) until Josh’s turn. Then he kind of decapitated it twice! It was great!

Friday’s “party” was a date! My sister Mary watched the kids (all three of them!!) while we went on a date! We were originally going to go get burgers at this famous place in SLC; but it turned out to be a bar, and I hadn’t brought any ID. So, instead, we went to a french cafe! It was totes delish!

Saturday was Josh’s little brother Aaron’s birthday, so we went to his party. It was fun!

For Fathers’ Day, Josh requested a special breakfast in lieu of lunch (we did dinner at his parents’ house). He picked home-made-biscuit, sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches! They were so good! Josh made the biscuits even though it was his day off, because he is the pro biscuitier. His request was, however, to be able to make them with no small helpers.

We wrapped the fathers day gift in a blanket because Carter unwrapped the wrapping paper I used originally, and I didn't want to have to do it again.

We wrapped the fathers day gift in a blanket because Carter unwrapped the wrapping paper I used originally, and I didn’t want to have to do it again.

Josh asks for the same gift every year for Fathers’ Day. He wants an updated picture of me with the kids for his desk at work.

Josh sent me this picture from work today. It is last year's picture with this year's.

Josh sent me this picture from work today. It is last year’s picture with this year’s.

So, as of Sunday, Josh is officially 28 years old! I’m so glad that he has been mine for 5 of those years, and that he will be mine for infinity more!

Happy Birthday, Josh!


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