Best Day of the Year

For those of you who don’t know, I love St. Patrick’s Day! “Why?” you may ask. Well, that’s a very valid question. My best response is simply “Why not?”  I don’t really have Irish heritage, I have been to Ireland; but that happened probably BECAUSE I love St. Patrick’s Day.  I really don’t have a reason to love it, but I think any reason to make a day special is good!

Here’s a glimpse of what our St. Patrick’s Day was like this year. We owe everything to Mother who has been taking care of us this week, and making sure that everyday has been fun, especially today.

Mother gave the kids shamrock antennae and bracelets to wear! They got played with more than they actually got worn; but we managed to get a picture with them on! They looked so cute with their St. Patrick’s Day shirts!


Here’s all of us dressed in green!IMG_20160317_093523

Portia’s outfit is thanks to Mariel Boone and Jessica Johnson 4 years ago. They got this dress for Fay. They said they knew it wouldn’t be her size at St. Patrick’s time; but my daughter needed to have the dress! Little did we all know it would be perfect for girl #2! The headband is one that I made for Fay on her first St. Patrick’s Day. Good thing we kept it all!


She’s pretty stinkin’ cute in this picture; but the camera really can’t capture just how precious she is!

Josh is the best ever! He got me the most beautiful St. Patrick’s Day flowers!


The pink daisies are my favorite part!

Mother made us a delicious Irish themed dinner! We had corned beef, cabbage, and potatoes! I don’t know if Irish people eat funeral potatoes; but if they don’t they should start! We also had green pistachio pudding! So yummy!IMG_20160317_164152

Fay really wanted to make a leprechaun trap. We didn’t think to do it last night, so no leprechauns came to our house today. But she still wanted to do it tonight. It’s pretty simple (as simple as you can make it, I’m pretty sure). But it was apparently enough for Fay.  I tried to get her to look at the camera. But she said she wanted to “look straight.”IMG_20160317_182235

See! With all that fun, what reason is there NOT to love St. Patrick’s Day?!

1 Response

  1. That dress is so perfect for Portia! Also, I love all your festivities—I think you’re all very lucky to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day together 🙂

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