Fay has been requesting to look at old blog posts quite a bit this past week, and it has reminded me how much I like having our little history to look at! So, I am going to try and blog a little more often. (We’ll see if it actually happens. ha ha!)
Two Christmases ago, when I was pregnant with Carter, I remember pondering a lot about how God’s greatest gift to the world was the gift of His Only Begotten Son. It struck me that year that, just like Mary carried the Son of God–and it was an immense privilege for her and a great blessing to the world–I, too, was carrying a son of God. I realized better then than ever before just how great a blessing children are.
Each person on this earth is an infinitely beloved child of our Father in Heaven. He loves each of them (us) just as much as He loves His Son, Jesus Christ. So when He sends His children to me–this time around it’s a daughter!–that genuinely is the greatest gift He could ever give to me!
I am feeling the power of the gift of God’s children again this Christmas season, and I am overwhelmed by the trust that Heavenly Father has placed in me to raise, teach, and love His children so that they are prepared to live with Him again after their life on earth. Fortunately for everyone involved, He didn’t leave me on my own to do it! 🙂
I love my kids more than everything–except Josh. I always love him most! And I love Heavenly Father for sending them to me!