We have been a busy bunch through the month of August. We have been to a family reunion, been to a wedding, gone camping and 4-wheeling, hosted gatherings, finally got a new pediatrician, I attended education week, Josh has gone to work, and the kids have done their thing wherever they are. I am apparently really good at forgetting the camera whenever we go anywhere cool; so you just get to glimpse our home life.
Carter is now walking, running, and playing like a champ! He still cant really crawl, though… Anyway, one of his very favorite things to do is throw things–anything–down the stairs. Sometimes it gets a little crazy. Fay usually supports him in his throwing ventures.
Another thing Carter has developed a love for is balls. He has his little word for “ball” and says it approximately 376 times each day. He also really loves to use kitchen utensils to play with his ball. He is a cutie!
Fay is also growing up. She LOVES to pretend that she is the mommy and that I am the “big sister.” She likes to order me around and force me to sit through her least favorite things, like doing her hair. She is such a big helper with Carter, and sometimes she even helps with clean-up time.
There were several days in a row when I would arrive at my bed in the evening, tired and ready to go to sleep. I would pull back the covers and find this exact same pile of toys and stuff in the middle of the mattress. It just got funnier and funnier as the consecutive nights went on. But now, the items have gone their separate ways, and usually I find my bed empty. 🙂
Fay and Carter really are best friends! They bicker and scuffle, of course, but they really have fun together, and I feel like this is a golden time in their lives for me to be at home playing with them all day!
They love to do things together. They both ended up having flip-flops this summer, and Fay REALLY wanted to wear them together. Here is a picture of Fay relishing the moment with her flip-flop twin, and Carter happy to be eating whatever that is he is holding.
This past week, Josh and I celebrated our 4th anniversary! I can’t believe we have only been married for 4 years. I feel like obtaining 3 college degrees, having two children, moving across the country twice, and buying a house must have taken longer than only 4 years. But maybe we’re just over-achievers. 🙂 I am so grateful to be married to Josh, and for the beautiful life we have created together! Some days are hard and long; but I really wouldn’t change the life we have for anything in the whole world!