Things around here have been a little crazy. Since about April 21 of last year. Okay let’s be real, more like since May 7 of 2012. Alright, fine! Realistically speaking, my life has been more or less a story of crazy since July 24, 1990. Fortunately for us, however, I’m holding on by providing my children with only the most wholesome of nurturing.
Okay, so maybe everything isn’t as “wholesome” as it could be. BUT
- Fay is being a total trooper at potty-training! She even reached a large enough milestone that she got to go to Chick-fil-A last week! She totally had an accident while we were there, which was just so delightfully ironic!
- Carter just got two new teeth in (his upper lateral incisors)!
- Josh has figured out how things are going to work with school and work, which is very good!
- And I have figured out a way to squeeze somewhat regular exercise into my life!
So, we’re still just putting along! And while it genuinely is crazy, life is very good, and we feel very blessed every single day!
You basically rock motherhood.
I like Fay’s hairstyle! But the way you usually style it is just as good!
I’m also happy you’re crazy 🙂