Carter in the arms of Grandmother
Our whole little family at the Old Well
I know I just talked about this; but I just wanted to again express my gratitude for my husband and fathers who worthily hold and exercise the Priesthood of God. That truly is a blessing!
What wonderful photos. Thanks for such a great weekend. Love. Grandpa Mhlestein
This is such a happy post! Also—you’re wearing the dress I gave you! It looks so good on you! I feel really good about that exchange 🙂 I can’t believe you are a mother of 2! That is two cool. You must be doubly happy. I’m thinking 2 is better than 1. (sorry, two many puns) (sorry the second time) (okay, I’m really done 🙂
Your family is so adorable! I’m so glad I get to be related to you! I love that picture with you all smiling, and the one with the grandpas—I think Carter may have a pretty slim chance of keeping a full head of hair when he grows up, haha 🙂 Love you!