Sibling Harmony

Sometimes Fay likes to thump Carter on the head. 🙁 Sometimes Fay likes to shake Carter’s bouncer way too much.  Sometimes Fay gets irritated that Carter is getting held and she’s not. Sometimes Carter cries when Fay holds him.  Sometimes Carter cries when Fay is getting attention and he is hungry. Sometimes Carter cries when Fay thumps him on the head.

But most of the time, Fay loves Carter and Carter loves Fay. 🙂IMG_2375

Fay has recently started asking to hold Carter several times a day. She knows that if she wants to hold him she has to sit in the corner of the couch (so his head has somewhere to go), and so she will declare “I Carter” and then when I tell her that she can indeed hold him she squeals “corner!” and rushes to the couch. A lot of times when Fay is holding him, Carter will open his eyes wide and look around. That is his happy face!

IMG_2385This is a cute picture of Fay in a hat. That’s all.


Yesterday, Fay was holding Carter and she started giving him the most tender kisses on the cheek.  She never ACTUALLY kisses anybody. She just makes kissy noises in the general direction of people’s “owies”. But she gave Carter real kisses!  It was adorable! I tried to catch it on video.

I didn’t catch any of the kisses. But I did get Fay explaining what was on her and Carter’s clothes as well as showing him some body parts. It’s so tender!

I love my two kids! And I am so grateful that they love each other!

Family of Four and Mother’s Day

So … I have the greatest family ever! I came from the greatest family ever. I married into the greatest family ever. And now Josh and I are making our very own greatest family ever! Let me tell you about how great it is!

Having two kids at home by myself all day is the bomb!  I feel like that is the appropriate expression because it is so fun and new and exciting, and because I feel like my world can go from totally great to demolished in an instant. I’ll admit it, I have stressed a lot this past week since Mom left. There have been many tears shed (I have tried to institute a rule of one child crying at a time. Fay actually complies some of the time!); the house looks like a bomb went off somewhere; and I have been up a lot, a lot, a lot at night and am, therefore, rather sleep deprived.  But who wants to hear about the lame stuff?! We all know it happens; but it’s still lame. Let’s talk about the good part!

Carter is growing fast!  I feel like he gets chubbier every day! Also, he doesn’t sleep as much as Fay did as a newborn (or a new-from-the-hospital) and so we get to see him play more often!  He will wake up for a good hour or two at a time and just look around and make cute faces! Of course, he doesn’t cooperate very well when I have the camera, but I did manage to get this cute picture! I love my sweet, snuggly boy!IMG_2292

Fay is also as fun as ever! The other day, after she woke up from her nap, she came into my room and led me to her room. In her room, she had prepared a lovely little array of toys on a frisbee. She pointed to it and just looked at me as though I must surely know exactly what to do with it.  I enthusiastically noted what a great “plate” she had made, to which she responded “Two ducks!”  We played with just the items on that frisbee for the next half hour at least! I love my adorable two-year-old!IMG_2274Speaking of two-year-old, Fay turned two on Wednesday! Because we celebrated last Saturday, and Josh worked all day long, and I am home-bound most of the time so Josh can drive to work, we really didn’t do much.  After work, however, we went to the “baby swing” and then to the store where we got Fay some bubbles and princess band-aids.  I think it was still an enjoyable birthday for her. 🙂

Today is Mother’s Day and Josh totally spoiled me!  He made sure that I got a good nap (3.5 hours!) and that we ate REALLY good! He also entertained the kids a bunch so that I could take it easy!  He is so good to me!

For dinner, Josh made a whole meal of my favorites! We had chicken gnocchi soup with Crystal-style roasted cauliflower (which Fay calls “Ga wawee”) and carrots, fresh strawberries, bananas, and kiwis (did you all know that kiwis are the most nutrient dense fruit on earth?), and for dessert…warm chocolate melting cake!!!!!

IMG_2336I found the actual recipe that Carnival uses on Pinterest several weeks ago, and Josh saw it and decided I needed it for Mother’s Day! It was perfect! Plus, Josh did all the dishes! I have the greatest husband ever!!!!


This is our family!

Also, I wanted to take a moment to express my love and gratitude for my Mother! She is truly such a good mother, and I feel as though I am only beginning to understand just how good she is! I am also so grateful for my sweet Mom, Jenny, who raised the perfect man! She is also so good, and I am so grateful to be part of her family!


Fun with Grandma!

A week ago Friday, April 25, Grandma came to visit! And by “visit,” I mean that she came to save our lives!  She made sure that we had yummy food, that the kids were entertained, and that I got a nap every day! I feel so much more ready to tackle mother-of-two-hood on my own, now that I have had a week to ease into it!  Thanks a million, Mom!

And as much as I loved having Grandma around, Fay had a ball!IMG_2074Grandma had brought a sewing project with her to work on during her down time which was a bunch of fabric circles to make yo-yos.  Fay LOVED the finished yo-yos!  She would beg for yo-yo showers, and liked just holding and playing with them.  But then Grandma started a “yo-yo fight” which was probably the awesomest thing ever done with fabric yo-yos!

IMG_2111I love this picture because it is adorable, and because I feel like it is a good representation of the fun we had while Mom was here!  Also, Fay is on the “circle blanket” that she got from Grandma when she was born, and Carter is on his! They are basically the most beautiful quilts ever!CAM00396


She also did lots of snuggling! There’s nothing better than a good snuggle, after all! (Sorry for the blurry picture.)


We decided that we should celebrate Fay’s birthday while Mom was here!  Josh made sure that she had the perfect little girl cake!IMG_2123She called it “owl cake” and she loved it! We all loved it too! (It was a white cake with a strawberry mixed with vanilla Greek yogurt filling, and a cream-cheese/whipped cream frosting!)

We will miss having grandmas with us! But we are excited that we have an excuse for them to come back soon! We will have Carter’s baby blessing sometime soon, and then we will get grandmas and grandpas!!!!