A few weeks ago, UNC held its annual internship/career fair. Josh handed out something like 15 resumes, and has been getting lots of interviews! We are excited by the prospect of a summer internship that could possibly lead to a job come graduation next year! Thus far, he has interviewed with four companies that I can think of (he should probably be writing this post, because he obviously knows more about all this than I do) and currently has one job offer. He is waiting to her back from two other places before he makes a decision.
It is fun for me to hear about the interviews because I love hearing about anyone else who realizes that Josh is the greatest ever!
The other day at snack time, I was explaining to Fay that Daddy didn’t go on the bus that morning because he went to an interview. I told her a little bit about what an interview is, and why Josh was having so many, and then I asked her if she wanted to have an interview too. She said that she did!
I’m glad Josh is getting offers!
And Fay did a great job of deflecting the question about her family. She must already know employers can’t make hiring decisions based on a candidate’s family situation. Smart girl.