Josh’s and my first Valentine’s Day as a married couple was on a weekday in the middle of midterm season. We gave each other sweet cards, and I heart attacked the door for him, but we didn’t really do much else. We declared that we would postpone it until a time when it was more convenient. Well, it turned out that there never was a convenient time, so it got skipped altogether.
This year, Mother Nature blessed us with the “snowmageddon” only two days before Valentine’s Day, and as such, Josh had the entire weekend–from Thursday til Sunday–free to spend with Fay and me at home! As such, we did quite a few fun things!
On Thursday evening, we made cookies to take to our neighbors and to Josh’s home-teaching families!
This is me looking goofy while displaying them!
On Valentine’s Day itself, we all dressed up in as much pink and red as we could find! Our next door neighbor was good enough to document it for us. 🙂
Fay also got a cake pop from the neighbors! It was the best looking cake-pop I’ve ever seen that somebody actually made, so I got all sorts of tips from Robin on how to do it. 🙂 Anyway, Fay really liked it! I don’t think she realized that it was cake inside, and she mostly just ate the sprinkles off of it. But it was adorable!
And, of course, we had to have a delicious dessert after our Valentine’s dinner! Fay gobbled up her strawberry short cake!
The day after Valentine’s Day we had our friends, the Burtons, over for dinner! We really like the Burtons and we have been wanting to have them over for quite some time. But the reason we wanted them over this weekend was because we had a hankering to make a fantastic Valentine’s Day cake, and we needed somebody to be impressed by it. 🙂 The Burtons were perfect cake subjects!
Anyway, we had a great Valentine’s Day weekend! Thanks to the snow for making it a party all the way through!
Fay has the perfect pose in that dessert picture! Your child photography class must really be paying off! Also, that cake looks like one you could buy in a store for approximately €4,000. (look! European currency, on account of the fact that I’m moving to Europe!)