In our stake, every autumn they hold “Women’s Day” for all the Relief Society sisters. It is seriously the best idea ever! They just have a ton of different classes available ranging from crafts, to parenting tips, to spiritual subjects, to self-reliance, etc. They have three hours of classes, so you get to choose three different classes to go to, and then they have a delightful lunch at the end! It really is quite a lovely experience. Anyway, I went this past month and loved all three of my classes! I went to “Photographing Children,” “Interior Design,” and “Sprouts.”
In my photographing children class, I learned some new things that I feel have increased the quality of my photography. Granted, I’m still nothing close to professional quality, but I definitely see some improvement. Take a look!So, I know that this one doesn’t have quite the right focal point (it’s more on her nose than on her eyes) but I really liked the lighting. You can tell me what you think in the comments.
My other two classes were fabulous as well! After the interior design class–a subject that I have become interested in relatively recently–made me want to go back to college and major in it! Our teacher briefly touched on “color theory” and I was so fascinated by it! I would totally love to take a class on that! Plus, I would love to have a beautifully designed house!
The last one was about growing sprouts at home, which is seriously SO EASY and a brilliant idea for food storage. You can keep the seeds for quite a while, and then when you need them, all you need to have fresh sprouts (at a time when you may otherwise have no fresh produce) is a mason jar, some sort of hole-y top (they make special caps or you can use cheese cloth), and some water. You don’t even need sunlight! It seriously is brilliant! And I have done it all by myself, and I had a big jar of sprouts in about 3 days! If you want more info, seriously talk to me! I will convince you that it is the best food storage idea ever!