Fay Update

Fay is now 9.5 months based on her birthday and 8 months based on her due-date.  She has yet to crawl, but we’re pretty sure that is because she is far too excited about walking. She will walk anywhere as long as she’s got someone or something to hold on to!

Her favorite food is probably oatmeal, but she likes basically everything if given enough time with it. She loves to make TONS of noise, especially in Sunday School and Relief Society. She’s figured out that Sacrament meeting is a quiet place, but not the other two yet. ha ha! She loves eating everything she sees, especially Josh’s glasses, any and all paper, and her own feet! She has also recently learned to open the drawer under the oven. yikes! She now has 3 teeth with two more coming in!

She is basically the happiest baby in the world! If she sees a new person–especially another baby–she will flap her arms and breathe really fast, or wail! She is just tons of fun! We love her SO much!

Here is Fay in her Valentine’s outfit! I love the one with her laying down because it is so dramatic! Thanks, as always, to Crystal for the cute bow!


Sunday Morning! I have some time!

I know it has been a million years since I have posted. But whatever. Here is some random musing about our current life.
For Valentine’s Day, Josh and I got a babysitter (Lacey) for Fay and we had a special dinner at home.  We had artichoke stuffed chicken, asparagus, and mashed potatoes with gravy. It was basically fabulous! (if I do say so myself). But the funny thing was that, we were just sitting down to eat, and I had my potatoes and gravy already, and I was so excited to dig in that I told Josh to just serve the chicken. I thought that he was going to serve himself first, so I started eating my potatoes. But Josh was trying to be a gentleman and serve me first, and because of the pan of chicken he was holding he couldn’t see that my face was right by my plate as I shoveled potatoes into it. So, he gently placed the fresh-from-the-oven chicken into my cheek! I sort of freaked out at first because it burned, but it was SO funny! Poor Josh, though. He felt so bad. But in the end we were able to just laugh about it, and enjoy our dinner! Yay Valentine’s Day!
In other news, Josh has now been accepted to the University of Utah as well as University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill! We are expecting that he will get into University of Virginia (UNC is ranked #20 and Virginia is #28, so it would make sense), but we don’t know yet. We’re excited to have another option, though!
I know its a little blurry, but this is the only picture that shows just how much she LOVES being in laundry baskets! It’s kind of adorable!
We have a keyboard in our kitchen, and Fay likes to play all by herself, so we put the bumbo on the chair and just let her pound it out!  She gets really excited and plays even more vigorously when you clap for her!
These are the ice-cream cupcakes that we made for valentine’s day. They were chocolate shell, half a cake-pop, berry cheesecake ice-cream and then we put a DELICIOUS whipped cream cream cheese frosting on top (I forgot to photograph it, but it was pink). They were so good!
This is Josh. I thought this picture would make you happy. It sure makes me happy!