Fay at 3 Months!

I must give credit to Maren Muhlestein for the idea of doing posts of Fay based on her age. Thanks Maren!

Anyway, Fay is just puttin’ along at her very own little pace. She wows the Welcome Baby nurse (she visits our house once a month to talk about Fay’s developments) with how well she can hold her head up, follow objects with her eyes, roll to her side, and whack at her hanging toys. But she’s still on the oxygen.

A week and a half ago, she weighed 9 lb 5 oz (over double her birth weight!)

She can now nurse for her entire feedings (no more top off bottles!) without the help of a shield. (We had to use that when she was first born because her mouth was just so tiny!)

She is learning to smile–especially for Daddy–and has as sweet a temperament as ever. She really doesn’t fuss unless something is genuinely wrong.

Favorites — Eating, sleeping, baths, binky, swatting her hanging toys, being held, high contrast pictures

Least Favorites — Tummy Time, anything to do with her oxygenI love to watch her smile at her little pictures!

 Love this cute SUPER pink dress!She’s SO big compared to that bear! We already can’t believe she was ever that tiny!

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