For the past several weeks, we haven’t had internet at our house neither have I had much time to do things, and so we have been remiss in giving you all updates on our exciting life (aka: baby). I will now proceed to update you!
Fay is now two months or nine weeks old. She weighs 7 lbs 14.5 oz–her birth weight was 4 lbs 6 oz so she is making lots of progress. She is a champion at holding her head up, she loves to look around, she loves her binkey, she loves bath time, she loves eating, and she loves her mommy. She loves her daddy too, but mommy reminds her daily who the favorite is. 🙂
Fay has been on a “trace” of oxygen since leaving the hospital. We are hoping that she comes off of it soon, but it could be another month or so. We love taking the oxygen tank and her apnea monitor around with us because it makes us buff. That may or may not be the ONLY reason we love it.
Now for some photographic evidence of all this…