We’re sorry that we are just now posting some photographic evidence of our soon-to-be child, but we hope that this will not be the last you see before she is born. 🙂
These are some pictures of Elisabeth at 24 weeks. (Please excuse the goofy expressions.)
Now for some basic info.
Weight at 22 Weeks (last doctor’s visit): 136 lbs.
Morning Sickness: Pretty much gone. I had it a little bit until around the middle of January, but it was never too bad. I only threw up about 6 times in the whole first trimester, and all of those were in two or three of the worst days.
Baby movement: She is a real kicker sometimes! I think she gets mad at me when I lay on my stomach (I can understand that) and she will sometimes move a lot when I’m laying there. Josh felt her move for the first time on Sunday 26 February. He has since felt her several times.
Ultrasound information: When we got our 20 week ultrasound (at about 21 weeks) we found out the gender, and we also found out how her development is coming. The ultrasound tech said that, based on her head size, our little baby is exactly on track with my due date. All the developments that should have been noticable at 20 weeks were there and she said that everything looks great! (I love it when they use the word great!)
Maternity Attire Information: This is my first day wearing anything at all maternity. And it is actually only a really loose fitting regular shirt that Christina so generously allowed me to borrow. (Bless you Christina!) I am still wearing my regular pants and have not even graduated from needing the belt yet. (We’re almost there, I’m sure of it!) I guess that is the beauty about having hips that are at least one pants size bigger than your waist!
I can’t think of anything else to mention, but please feel free to pose any other questions you may have!