We celebrated 5 wonderful years of having our boy in our family this past Sunday. (My apologies for being so late on this post.) Carter was very proud of the fact that his birthday fell on Easter this year and mentioned the fact to anyone who would listen: the primary, the clerk at the grocery store, the doctor, etc. I must admit, it is pretty great to have your birthday on a holiday!
One of my favorite things about Carter is that he likes to be a helper. He is the first one to agree to help clean up the house or work on the yard, he will run grab Helen’s blanket for her when she’s sad , and he loves that it makes parents happy when he happily obeys. It is a huge blessing and help for me. I hope it lasts and lasts!
Carter is a builder! He is very creative at free-building and also very patient and determined with following instructions for building things. He got some Hotwheels car tracks for Christmas and he wanted to take time to try every single different assembly. He loves to share what he has built and get it documented! I love documenting it, so it works out!
Carter also loves super heroes (Hulk is still his favorite), coloring and drawing, and playing outside. He now prides himself on liking spicy foods, and asked for/received Cholula hot-sauce for his birthday. My favorite thing about it is that he talks all the time about how he likes spicy things and he loves Cholula; but he won’t ask for Cholula if he doesn’t want it. So he probably has it 1 in 6 times Josh and I do. I just love that he doesn’t feel like he has to prove anything to anyone by eating it when he doesn’t want it.
Here are some more moments from our joyful life with Carter.
Once upon a time–before Carter–I thought it would be fun to have all girls. I am SO GLAD that Heavenly Father knew better! We love our boy so much and totally need his low voice, sweetness, and enthusiasm for saving the day! We just wouldn’t be complete without him.
Yay Carter! He really is SO good at building with blocks—he always makes such impressive and creative structures at our house!