In my head this past week was just full of being sick. But we actually only had one real sick day, and looking back at the pictures I took this week I see that we actually did have some fun, too. So that is good and encouraging!
On Monday for family party Josh had a surprise for everyone. He gave a lesson on asking Heavenly Father when we have questions, then we had the assignment of asking Josh questions about what the surprise in the bag was. The kids loved it! And I hope the message stuck, too. The surprise ended up being mini MnMs, then Josh had some fun games to play with them. One game was to blow the MnMs across the bench with a straw. It was cute, but got a little spitty after awhile. 🙂
We went to the library one day. The kids always love the library and so do I! They had their fun photo ops set up again, so naturally we had to take pictures!
Another day, we went to the playplace at the mall. It is a pretty basic sort of play area, but the kids get really excited about it. Here they are waiting for me to get to the mall entrance doors and being adorable.
But we also were sick. I kept Fay home from school on Wednesday and Carter stayed on home on Thursday. Then on Friday I came down with a cough. I thought things were getting a little better yesterday, but then I had a really hard time sleeping last night and woke up this morning feeling like a train-wreck. Josh has taken care of me and the house and the kids all day today! I am so grateful for him and his goodness!
Feel better!