My girl is FIVE years old today!!! I can’t believe it! And yet, I totally can. Because, did I ever not have Fay? But regardless of her age, I am eternally grateful for my beautiful, fun, exciting, adventurous girl!
Fay decided she wanted a friend party this year, and wanted a Disney princess theme. So I pooled all my creative juices to come up with some original party games and decorations and things so she could have a one of a kind party. Just Kidding. I definitely just used the ideas I found on Pinterest. But Fay really liked it–especially having her friends and cousins there–and I think the other guests did too, and that is all that matters!
For our first activity, everybody got a crown to decorate and take home; next we played Snow White’s poison apple, which was the highlight of the party, I think; then we played apple toss for Maximus (from Tangled). And at the very end, all the princess attire was shed and the princesses just played in the backyard.
We all had a lot of fun!
For her birthday meals, Fay picked the exact same two as Carter: Chick-Fil-A for one and spaghetti and meatballs for the other. But she did pick a different cereal than Carter did, so that’s good. 🙂 Today, we did some presents, and some singing with cupcakes, and all 4 grandparents–plus an aunt and some uncles–came over to wish the birthday girl well! She got to party for two days straight!
Anyway, that’s what we did. Which is all well and good. But let’s talk about who Fay is right now.
Fay’s very favorite thing to do is color. She loves coloring books; but she mostly loves creating her own artwork. She drew a picture of a two-headed dragon on the driveway (with chalk) the other day, and I was quite impressed by the quality of the drawing! I also thought it was pretty cool that she thought of a two-headed dragon. I wonder where she got the idea…
Fay also loves just to explore whatever realm she is currently in, without interruption. She loves when we go to museums and such and she gets to just play in the water, or roam around the play-place, etc. She also loves to see what new, magical things she can find in the backyard, or at a friend’s house, or in the storage closets of our house.
Fay also loves to read! Her skills of reading on her own are definitely picking up thanks to her preschool; but she mostly loves to sit on my lap (!!!!!) and listen to me read as many stories as I have time to read. I love it!
Our Faymous also loves to help in the kitchen, and in the yard, and with whatever DIY projects we are doing. And she is a wonderful helper with Portia when I need to get something done and Portia is just making mischief.
Fay also likes to be silly. She loves singing silly songs at the table, she enjoys telling jokes (Her original jokes are pretty amusing, but not in the way an actually good joke is, if you know what I mean.), and she loves to be the center of our attention!
Things that Fay doesn’t like include (but are not limited to):
- Anything that takes her away from her play, such as grocery shopping, preparing to go to dance, and sometimes even leaving for a friend’s house. Play is the most important element of her life.
- Being left alone. I don’t ever leave her alone, but if ever she wanders away from me at a store or the library or wherever we may be, she panics if she can’t see me.
- Really loud sounds
- Being hungry. She will declare “I’m STARVING!!!” the instant she realizes she might like to eat.
I am seriously grateful beyond description that Heavenly Father gave me this exceptional girl! I’m grateful for everything she is and does right now in her life, and I look forward to watching as she grows and changes!
Happy Birthday Fay!
Fay is so awesome! Also, that’s an amazing pizza-eating technique!
Love this! Happy birthday, Fay! I, too, understand how easy it is to go from full to starving! I feel for you, Fay! 😉