
Diamond Heist

For this project, I thought it would be fun to make a puzzle that mimicked breaking through a security system in order to steal the prize jewel.

Concept Drawing

The concept was there would be a diamond in a locked glass case. It would be illuminated on a stand and below the window there would be a variety of controls. These controls would be part of several puzzles that, once solved, would unlock the door.

Prototyping was an important step. The brain of the whole contraption was an ESP-32 so I had to figure out which types of inputs and outputs I would work well with the unit.

Finished product

The final build featured three puzzles, RGB lights, and sound effects. After the puzzles were solved, it would reset and randomize the puzzle solutions so it would be different every time.

It was a hit! My kids loved figuring it out and solving the puzzles.