I haven’t written anything since August, but all there really is to share is that at-home school is busy, but getting more manageable.
I wanted to focus today’s post on each of the kids. They are all so fun to be with, and I love each of their personalities so much! So here’s just a little snippet of each of them at this moment in history.
Fay is in third grade and is just seeming SO grown up! She is so good at doing her schoolwork, even though I can only be there with her intermittently. She still loves reading (especially Rescue Princesses) and adventures and fancy and all the classic Fay things. The other day I was trying to exercise while holding Bianca. Fay came down the stairs to announce that she was on a lunch break from school. When she saw me trying to exercise with Bianca, she just walked over, picked up Bianca, and took her downstairs to play until I was done with my workout. She is doing amazing stuff like that all the time! I am SO blessed to have this girl!
Some funny things from Fay:
The other day a discussion got around to mint chocolate cupcakes. Josh mentioned that it would be funny if the baker used toothpaste to make the mint flavor. Fay chimed in with (paraphrased) “Yeah! You could use it as frosting. It’s even already in a piping bag.” I felt like it was such a clever notion!
Carter is in first grade and likes it fine. I think he would be a lot happier (as would Fay) if things were all normal and they could just go to real school. But he has absolutely latched onto the Dog Man series of books. He has now read all 9 of them, and if there were 12, he totally would have read those as well. (Thanks to Megan and Calvin for the suggestion!) He is frequently my first obeyer when it comes to doing chores, which is an incalculable blessing! The other day, he just decided to clean up the entire basement by himself so that we could rotate toys sooner. We’re so glad he’s our boy!
Some Funny things from Carter:
A few weeks ago it was after lights-out time and Helen (room-mates with Carter) started yet another escape attempt from bed. I had totally had it by this time, so when I closed the door after saying goodnight, I stayed at the door holding the doorknob so she couldn’t escape. As Helen tried and tried to get the door open, I heard Carter encourage “Helen, try the handle.” I shot back “What?!” to which Carter replied “Aghh! I don’t know what I’m saying!” I cracked up!
Another amusing moment:
Me: Carter, it’s time to get dressed. Can I pick out your outfit?!
Carter: Sure. But can you pick my Hot Wheels shirt?
The boy knows what he wants!
This girl is always exciting! She is one year away from kindergarten, but because of the pandemic, she isn’t in any kind of preschool. She and I have been learning letters at home and she is beginning to sound out words on her own! She read the word “off” on the bathtub faucet and sounded out my name when writing me a note “momey.” I am very impressed! She still loves stories, playing with dolls and dress-up, sucking her thumb, and playing with all her siblings. We still adore her!
Funny from Portia:
A year or so ago, Josh was asking Portia all her favorites. Favorite food: pasta. Favorite color: pink and purple. Favorite drink: juice. Etc. Then he asked her favorite animal. She emphatically responded: BEAVER. I literally hadn’t realized she even knew what a beaver was. But all this time she has maintained that a beaver is her favorite. That knowledge will help this next exchange make a little more sense.
Me: I love your picture, Portia! Is that a princess on a unicorn?!
Portia: No!! It’s a mermaid on a beaver! Why would a unicorn have a checkered tail?!
Most everybody who spends a little time with Helen will comment that she is so sweet. And she IS! She is sweet and adorable no matter what she does, which is sometimes a little infuriating. For example, she sweetly pushes a chair over to the counter while everybody else is preoccupied with school or something, and sweetly swipes and eats the last peach that I promised someone they could have after they did such and such. When you catch her at the end of the deed, she smiles sweetly and says something like “peach yummy!” She’s sweet as she sneaks out of bed for the 638th time and pokes Carter as he tries to fall asleep. And no matter what the offense, she gives you the same perfectly adorable smile every time, and you just can’t help but giggle a little at her naughtiness.
But she is also just sweet when she’s sweet. She will happily play with anyone, but will also happily play by herself–which, with the advent of school, she has to do far more often than I would like for her. She loves coloring (frequently, sweetly all over furniture), baby dolls, play food, and Anna from Frozen. She continues developing her speaking skills and frequently speaks in sentences. And everything that comes out of her mouth is seriously SO SWEET! Like the other night when she saw me looking through cans in food storage, she excitedly asked “Whata you picking?!” I showed her the can I had removed and she giggle with elation as she said “Oh! Thata corn!” I can’t get enough of her sweetness!
Some sweet humor from Helen:
At any moment in the day, with or without catalyst, Helen may pipe up with the following conversation:
Helen: Mommy.
Me: What, Helen?
Helen: Bianca cute.
I usually respond with a hearty affirmative followed by a declaration that Helen is also cute. That may be why she is so apt so say it…
This baby, tho! Based on her first two months of life, I expected Bianca to be crawling by now. But she decided to sit and stay and get two teeth, instead! She is SUCH a happy baby! Over the past month or so, she has left basically all her cranky moments behind her and is either content, overjoyed, or ready for a nap. Josh’s mom asked a while ago “Were all of your kids this cute? She just gives the hugest smiles every time I look at her.” My response is: “All our kids were definitely that cute. But there is still only one Bianca.”
She absolutely LOVES eating big people food! She gets super excited watching the kids on the swings. She is fascinated by me sticking my tongue out and tries to grab it. She is definitely at the stage where she tries to put everything in her mouth. And she finally seems to have settled into somewhat of a nap schedule. She is such a joyful addition to our life!
Some baby humor from Bianca:
A baby game I like to play with the kids is putting a thin blanket over them as they lie down and then pull it off exclaiming “peek-a-boo!” Bianca LOVES this game; but every time I pull the blanket off, she goes into the newborn startle reflex with her legs and arms straight out and a startled look on her face. Then she’ll go back to a smile. It is so funny to see the startle over and over!
Don’t you all just wish you could hang out with them all the time?! Having these amazing little people in my life is the biggest blessing! If only I had the best-ever husband to go along with them… Oh wait! I totally DO! 😉
I loved this family recap. I am obsessed with your kids!!!! And all the stories made me laugh.
😍😍😍I love them all and can’t wait to see them
I didn’t realize I missed this post, but I’m glad I found it! I loved the humorous stories—kids are great entertainment 🙂